Title: Within 24 Hours, Glenn Beck Will Break News That Will Take Down The Entire Power Structure (please watch and post your opinion) Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Jun 12, 2013 Author:Glenn Beck Post Date:2013-06-12 21:13:39 by christine Keywords:None Views:457 Comments:43
Oh my, how are the masses to get any sleep tonight with 24 hours of anxious waiting on pins and needles, pacing the floor, hands wringing, chain smoking, clenched teeth, sweaty palms, anticipating the next HUGE report from Glen Beck?
I know I am just all agog with anticipation over the announcement. But I do wish when people had exciting news they would just go ahead and tell it and not deprive me of desperately needed 3*th#!:*@lsdir&^--oh, must have dozed off and my head hit the keyboard.