Title: Duh, Gee Chumley, a building collapse in NYC that doesn't resemble 911's Source:
- URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkvZcU_l6wc Published:Jun 13, 2013 Author:- Post Date:2013-06-13 10:33:13 by Katniss Keywords:None Views:360 Comments:15
Sounds familiar ...
But it doesn't look familiar ... where are all the upward and outward explosive clouds in this one?
Ah well, just another day in emotional fantasyland for most of the nation.
Several hundred miles per hour? Try 540 mph, (NTSB's numbers) brainiac. Know what amuses me? Douchbags who try to tell me exactly how it happened without having done any research at all. How's that kool-aid taste? Kinda douchie?
Amen. The WTC collapse occurred under a variety of fairly unique conditions: among the world's tallest buildings, hit broadside by jets at full speed in an upper floor, the design of the building was considerably less dense than (e.g.) the Empire State Bldg (which had been hit headon by a small prop plane in 1945), etc. etc. When the WTC was built in the 1970s it was designed to withstand (hopefully) a collision with a much smaller jet - lighter and less fast.
What we have had is a bunch of craftsmen commenting on things outside their particular expertise. Architects and commercial demolition people - it seems that they're experts but they never dealt with a situation like this, which is not surprising because I wonder if there ever had been a situation quite like this.
A couple of false reports: Contrary to conspiracy theorists' claims, the WTC buildings did not "fall in their own footprint" - they fell downward, yes, but the debris scattered widely. For example, the Deutschebank accross the street was completely blocked off. Also, the story that debris fell "faster than free fall" - doesn't happen even in commercial demolition; actual measurement showed considerably slower than free fall. Nobody bothered approaching real experts and asking "If you got the contract to do it, how would you demolish the WTC?" Professionals would have done it differently and the final result would look different.
Simple fact, people saw two planes hit the buildings. The second plane was filmed and televised from dozens of different angles. Some conspiracy theorists want to pretend now these weren't planes; they were some kind of hologram - that even now (12 years later) hasn't been shown to exist, and they cannot explain what happened to the passengers if it weren't planes hitting the buildings.