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Title: Barrack Obama the worst President in the history of the USA
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Published: Sep 8, 2013
Author: Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Post Date: 2013-09-08 04:43:29 by Tatarewicz
Keywords: None
Views: 298
Comments: 14

07.09.2013 Make no mistake: Barack Hussein Obama is preparing to give a speech to the citizens of the United States of America next Tuesday in which he is planning to justify military action against Syria, with or without a nod from Congress. If he does so, he will write his name in the darkest annals of history.

George W. Bush was the human epitome of the saying, and pardon me, "sh*t stinks" because with him, you knew what you were getting, it was raw, it was in your face, it was unsophisticated, brash, rash, harsh, arrogance, belligerence, chauvinism, it was kick-a*s diplomacy at its very worst, it was riding roughshod over the international community, it was insulting to every norm or precept of common decency... but it was undisguised. It was honest.

With Barack Obama, there is a mist of perfume which disguises the filth that lies below his policies, a cloak, a mantle of decency, a promise of "change", mere words used, abused and manipulated by a cynical coward devoid of any emotional intelligence at all, who does not have the guts to stand up to the lobbies pulling his strings, the corporate neo-con elitists who created his Presidency. Barack Obama's entire persona is dishonest, he is a fraud of the worst kind, a siren's song; his policy is double-faced, double-tongued, double-dealing and plain, downright deceitful.

Print version Font Size Send to friendBarack Obama promises one thing, he delivers another. He promises change, he receives a Nobel Peace Prize not for what he has done but for the breath of fresh air he represents and what does he do?

He supports terrorists in Libya, playing along with an Anglo-French imperialistic dream to steal Libya's sovereign fund and pillage its resources, destroying a State which provided for its people. Then at the same time, he supports terrorists in Syria, arming and financing terrorist groups using his Middle Eastern bed-pals, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and regional monster Turkey.

It is a pea-brained, nonsensical, short-sighted and criminally reckless foreign policy, it is as illogical as it is dangerous and it is bound to rebound and blow up in Obama's face. Detailed scientific evidence gathered by Russia backs up Moscow's claim that it was the Syrian terrorists supported by the West which have carried out gas attacks, not Government forces.

The United States of America has not produced any evidence incriminating the Government of Bashar al-Assad in the recent chemical weapons attack in Ghouta while the finger of suspicion once again points at the terrorist forces backed by the Obama regime trying to frame the Syrian Arab Army.

However with a policy which uses deceit comes the need for intelligence and logic. What Government force is going to use chemical weapons in an area where its own troops are fighting (Obama focuses on images of children - one such image used by Kerry was taken in 2003 in Iraq - but there are other images of Syrian soldiers in hospital which he has chosen to ignore), what Government force is going to deploy chemical weaponry in an area where it is winning, what Government force is going to deploy such weaponry on the eve of a visit from UN experts?

Every time the UN has gone to Syria, the terrorists Obama backs have deployed chemical weapons.

Let us then conclude that Barack Obama is the worst President in the history of the United States of America because he has insulted not only the Nobel Institution to its core but also the international community and his own people by disregarding basic and common human values, supporting Islamist terrorists, including al-Qaeda pandering to the whims of the lobbies pulling his strings.

Any vote from Congress is meaningless in an international context because the forum of international law governing this case is the United Nations Security Council. If the United States of America does not like that, tough, then why did it sign the agreement? We now wait to see whether Congress listens to its Constituencies or whether it blows a raspberry in the faces of the American people sick and tired of their manipulation of fear and facts in their lying murderous schemes.

And this is the guy who stood for "change"? Change of what?

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Poster Comment:

But if Obama fails to launch a war on Syria which Israel is desparately demanding he will write his name in the darkest annals of history once Jew agents unleash their media dogs on him. Note there's no mention of Israeli war pushers indicating that Pravda, like media in the West, is under control of Israel-loyal Jews.

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#1. To: Tatarewicz (#0)

No. Obama is not the worst. Dubya still has that superlative. Obama might be a disappointment but he halved the national debt, shored up the recession, killed Osama, and trimmed back our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Shoonra  posted on  2013-09-08   9:18:40 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

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#3. To: Shoonra (#1)

Obama might be a disappointment but he halved the national debt, shored up the recession, killed Osama, and trimmed back our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Man, weren't you warned not to take the brown acid?

Jethro Tull  posted on  2013-09-08 09:53:35 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

#11. To: Shoonra (#1) (Edited)

Obama might be a disappointment but he halved the national debt, shored up the recession, killed Osama, and trimmed back our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Damn! What color is the sun on your home planet? Obama "halved the national debt"? How could that be since the government has spent like drunken sailors (who are spending their own money) ever since he became acting President?

"...shored up the recession..." If by that you mean he has made things worse for average Americans you may have a point.

"... killed Osama,..." Lots of reports available online, if you choose to avail yourself of that wonderful instrument they use to hide information, indicates that Osama was dead for years before Obama used the military to allegedly "kill" Osama. How the ef did they kill a dead man?

..." and trimmed back our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Only to now try to lie us into starting WWIII by lying about the government of Syria using chemical weapons when it is the rebels/terrorists Obama supports who used them.

You are one of the worst Obama cheerleaders I have ever seen. Time for you to meet my friend, the clown filter. Adios.

James Deffenbach  posted on  2013-09-08 11:33:11 ET  (1 image) Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

#13. To: Shoonra (#1)

No. Obama is not the worst. Dubya still has that superlative. Obama might be a disappointment but he halved the national debt, shored up the recession, killed Osama, and trimmed back our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama keeps gitmo open and continues to murder children by drone.

Fuck you.

titorite  posted on  2013-09-08 12:35:20 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

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