Title: Zero An Investigation into 9/11 (Full Documentary) Must See) Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Sep 15, 2013 Author:. Post Date:2013-09-15 17:07:43 by christine Keywords:None Views:378 Comments:13
Poster Comment:
This, imo, is the best 9/11 documentary I have seen. As I am watching, it occurs to me that I will never understand how anyone who has done even a little information seeking could not wholly disbelieve the government's explanation of events, or, at the least, agree that it is criminally insufficient.
As I am watching, it occurs to me that I will never understand how anyone who has done even a little information seeking could not wholly disbelieve the government's explanation of events, or, at the least, agree that it is criminally insufficient.
Fear. Fear of ridicule and fear of being left out of the herd. Fear of "being different" from the rest of the Sheeple. It is programmed into them by a million media blurbs per week, and sadly most people do not have the courage to acknowledge the truth until they feel their lives are directly threatened. Unfortunately many lack the imagination and wit to see that their lives are being directly threatened. That is why there are Sheep, and, bless them for their courage, Sheep Dogs.
More are awakening to the circling wolves, but we have a ways to go.
Building Seven was a demolition. It fell in its own footprint. This was done to get rid of some evidence which was in it, but we do not know what that was. ;)
The "dancing Israelis", who were filming the planes hitting the Towers, indicates foreknowledge. ;)
If the majority of Americans were really Christians they never would be able to get away with stuff like this. This was an obvious ploy to get Christians to hate Muslims and it worked like a charm because many Christians already hated Muslims and just wanted an excuse to kill them. They got their excuse and now many that thought they were fighting for America in Iraq and Afghanistan are killing themselves because they can't live with what they did over there. Jews are very good at getting their enemies to kill each other, just look at WW2, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. More Christians were killed in WW2 than any other war ever, and their is no memorial for them. But the Jews and their lies about the Holocaust get a damn memorial paid for by Christians! Christians should wake up to their number one human enemy, the Jews!