Title: Exactly When Was Jesus Born? Not on December 25. Source:
Foodforthethinkers.com URL Source:http://wp.me/p13mHb-i1 Published:Dec 24, 2013 Author:Douglas F. Newman Post Date:2013-12-24 22:24:43 by snoopdougg Keywords:None Views:10106 Comments:31
"Where did the name 'Santa Claus,' or 'Nicholas,' come from? In Revelation 2:6, we are introduced to the sect of Nicolaitans which taught and practiced wrong concepts and doctrines... Nicolaus, the founder of the sect of the Nicolaitans... is none other than 'Nicholas' or 'Santa Claus.' In German, for instance, the similarities of these two names are even more striking. 'Nicolaus,' the founder of the 'Nicolaitans,' is rendered in German as 'Nikolaus' - and 'Santa Claus' in German is 'Nikolaus' as well."
Far from being an obscure short-lived ancient sect, the Nicolaitans are well and alive today in the "Christian" world. After all, Christ's message to the seven churches was not just meant for the seven ancient church congregations at the time of John, but it was also prophetic and addressed to the Church of God throughout its existence until the time of Christ's return. And, the message is a warning to all true Christians, not to repeat the mistakes which some of the ancient church congregations committed.
The deeds of the Nicolaitans became doctrine, and orthodox Christianity adopted the pagan festivals of Christmas and St. Nicholas Day--in honor of the "founder" of the Nicolaitans--and teaches it today as some of the most important festivals of Christianity. In addition, the unbiblical concept of the worship of the Virgin Mary and her "ascension" to heaven, where she is believed to reside as the queen or "Mother goddess" of heaven--as the early Gnostics worshipped the "great Mother goddess of heaven"--gradually became an established dogma in the Catholic Church. But Jesus said twice in Revelation 2 that He hates the deeds and teachings of the Nicolaitans.
In addition, the unbiblical concept of the worship of the Virgin Mary and her "ascension" to heaven, where she is believed to reside as the queen or "Mother goddess" of heaven--as the early Gnostics worshipped the "great Mother goddess of heaven"--gradually became an established dogma in the Catholic Church.
Some might say the Virgin Mary is a physical representation of the Holy Spirit, Feminine in Nature. In unison with the Father, They created Their Son.
Mary may very well be a physical representation of the Holy Spirit but that does not make her Holy or Divine. It just means that she was chosen to deliver The Savior. Such doctrines that teach her as being Holy and Divine are false doctrines in that they teach people that she had Divine status as equal with God. No man, including Mary, was equal with God at that time. The only one who shares equal standing with God is Jesus ( and noone else) and this has caused so much controversy even amongst Christian people and in the ministry. Many people have died because of this way of thought. But it is true.
Some might say the Virgin Mary is a physical representation of the Holy Spirit, Feminine in Nature. In unison with the Father, They created Their Son.
There's considerable food for thought there.
Sefer Yetzirah: "Book of Formation" or "Book of Creation"
Creation Mysticism: Fashioning the World From Letters - myjewishlearning.com
"By means of the twenty two letters, by giving them a form and shape, by mixing them and combining them in different ways, God made the soul of all that which has been created and all of that which will be. It is upon these same letters that the Holy One (blessed be he) has founded his high and holy name."
The letters are of three types: mothers, doubles and singles. The mothers (aleph, mem, shin) symbolize the three primordial elements of all existing things: water (the first letter of which is mem in Hebrew) is symbolized by mem; fire (of which shin is the most prominent sound) is represented by shin; air (the first letter of which is aleph) is designated by aleph.