Title: Exactly When Was Jesus Born? Not on December 25. Source:
Foodforthethinkers.com URL Source:http://wp.me/p13mHb-i1 Published:Dec 24, 2013 Author:Douglas F. Newman Post Date:2013-12-24 22:24:43 by snoopdougg Keywords:None Views:10104 Comments:31
Nowhere in Scripture does it mention when Jesus was born. Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus. Christ mas literally means "the death of Christ". And in Scripture the Lord actually looks at the celebration of such a season as an abomination. Here in Scripture is where it is noted where Christ hates the Nicolaitians (promoters of St. Nicholas-Santa Claus) see Revelations 2:6 and 15
the decking of fir trees with silver and gold is an unholy act which the Lord also abhores. See Jeremiah 10:2-4
Christmas honors not the birth of Jesus Christ but honors instead Tammuz. See Ezekial 8:14
The word "Christmas" occurs nowhere in the Bible. It is an old English word that means "Christ's Mass" which refers to the celebration of the Lord's Supper, i.e. the Mass. The earliest occurrence of the word on record is 1038 A.D. Christians at this time considered the Mass (Lord's Supper) to be the most important part of the celebration of Christ's birth, hence it came to be called Christmas.
See Francis X. Weiser, The Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1958) and Clement A. Miles, Christmas (New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1912).