Hey, how's the situation with your child and baby mama going? Hope everything is ok now. Been therr, done that. My common-law wife took off with my son in '82 and it took me 11 years to track him down, so I can feel for ya.
Hey, how's the situation with your child and baby mama going? Hope everything is ok now. Been therr, done that. My common-law wife took off with my son in '82 and it took me 11 years to track him down, so I can feel for ya.
Things are actually not as bad as they could be. In fact all things measured and weighed I think things are going great for me in spite of all these trials.
Silver has cut off all contact and is refusing to even allow me to communicate with my son now. The last time I saw or heard my boy was Dec. 13 2013.
You should see the BS her boyfriend posts on facebook. I check it to ask him to ask her to allow contact and to see if I can find any pictures of my boy...but it is mostly negative nasty stuff aimed at the father... some of it invokes children... That is the worst... I mean come at me, say the worst things you can to me, but don't use the children as weapons..... DONT!
God is watching over my boy. God has our back. As bad as this situation is as mean as she is being to our son by denying him his fathers voice....It is all gonna be OK.
Because I am gonna go up there (Again) and I will be in court contesting things. I want my relationship with my boy. My boy wants his relationship with me.
His last words I heard was "daddy daddy daddy" as it was time to go and he wanted more time....
I will be there. I WILL be there.
And when it is all said and done I will forgive her. For all that she has done to me, to him, to us. All that she is doing and all that she still plans I will forgive her. For him. Our Son deserves they VERY BEST that we can manage to give him and by all in my power I fully intend on bringing that to him. Even if she has to settle for skype visits instead of me. If nothing else I will make the time and be willing to do that. Nobody should have to suffer this kind of pain.
You know all about it. It is a pain only those who have suffered know. This pain...This pain kills. In the literal sense. This is what kills men. Forget me, how can she do these things to our child? And As I read everything... The best stuff says even if we never get along again I should do all that I can for him. And that is what I will do. As long as she is not harming him then their is plenty of room for his mothers love. He craves it I'll see to it that she can express it.
I will not do to her as she has done to me. I will forgive...I wont forget. The relationship can never go back to what it was. I've seen her plans she made behind my back. The words of hate and spite I could never reach her through. I didn't know then but I know now. It is rough. But for the sake of our son I would never NOT EVER do to her as she does to me....It just wouldn't be fair to Leopold.
So I am confident things will work out. And I feel good. I feel better than I have in a long time... And the Renew church here in NB is freaking Awesome!@!!
And thank you for asking about how I was doing.
I'm doing good.
Suspect all media / resist bad propaganda/Learn NLP everyday everyway ;) If you don't control your mind someone else will.
I went through similar with my ex, we have twin sons, now 24, they were 8 at the time she separated the family and took the children from the home.
Well, they eventually moved in with me at age 12, and we are very close. One is studying Chemistry and the other Economics at University, mostly A's.
I also forgave my ex, she caused incredible damage to her and her son's relationship, they barely can stand her for an hour, but I never forgot what evil she is capable of. I also learned that there was a price to paid, and she is paying it.
A man I know got divorced from his wife and for some reason I forgot the boy ended up with the mother. At 12 he called his father and said, "I can't stand it here anymore." His father told him to pack his stuff and came and got him.
At a ball game the mother showed up and was running around shrieking, claiming the father had "brainwashed" the son. He still stayed with the father.