Message-ID #7935761 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = . Confirmation Email Serial 2215-13 Contact Person:Frits Philip TEL: +32-483-726-044
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Reference Nr.beg/2551256008/07, Batch N. 11/0125/IPp, Serial. 2215-13 Ticket N.X-1002793284-w, lucky N. 04-02-37-36-49-54-2-7, you have won Five MilIion E*U*R in the Nationale Postcode online sweepstakss program corporations, held 30th of April 2014. In Bruxelles Belgium. This email was sent to notify you officially about the award and to advise you to contact the processing office immediately for claim Reply to
Note: all winning must be claim not later than 25th of May.
Congratulations!!! Richard Schoolman [Promo Coordinator]
Poster Comment:
We need a scam category. "Sweepstakss" indeed.