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Title: Crash the Dollar?
Source: [None]
URL Source: http://americanfreepress.net/?p=21410
Published: Dec 13, 2014
Author: Olga Belinskaya
Post Date: 2014-12-15 17:01:48 by BTP Holdings
Keywords: None
Views: 155
Comments: 6

Crash the Dollar?

December 13, 2014 Exclusive From AFP 2 Comments


• U.S. interventionism has China, Russia allying to prevent WW3.

By Olga Belinskaya —

“Russia and China are pushing the U.S. into a currency crisis,” squealed The Washington Times on November 18. The article went on to claim that Russia and China have been acting in concert to create a “de-Americanized world” by dethroning the dollar as the international reserve currency. But what the Times failed to mention is that the Russians say they want to collapse the dollar for the sake of peace.

Reserve currency status has afforded the United States near-limitless borrowing and control of foreign economies that rely on the dollar for credit and business. Recently, though, a number of countries, especially those with strong economies such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), announced a fund to establish a new financial system and central bank that is independent of the dollar.

Egon von Greyerz, the founder of Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, told King World News.com that the dollar is free-falling because fewer parties are using it for reserves for conducting trade and for investment purposes.

“The consequence in the next few years will be that the dollar, which is only backed by massive debts, will continue the decline to its intrinsic value of zero,” he said.

So what is the plan?

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A high-ranking Russian official claims that the U.S. intends to start a world war in order to restore its dominance. Sergey Glazyev, the top economic aide to Russian nationalist President Vladimir Putin, penned an article—never translated into English—for the newspaper Argumenti Nedeli on June 10, 2014. Glazyev wrote that the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization want Russia to invade Ukraine, but so far Russia has refused because a world war could be the result in Europe.

“Historical experience shows that [World War II] in Europe was an important source of economic recovery and political power for the United States,” wrote Glazyev.

The world wars drained capital, resources and minds from warring Europe, he wrote. Another world war would achieve many objectives, including the fact that a further weakened Europe would need to rely on America, which will force Europe to accept more free trade and increase military spending for the benefit of the military-industrial-banking complex.

To prevent a world war and save the economies of Russia and China, Glazyev proposes crashing the dollar.

Glazyev calls for the creation of a broad anti-dollar alliance of countries willing and able to drop the dollar from international trade and currency reserves.

He also advocates treating financial holdings that are denominated in dollars as junk securities and argues that regulators should require such holdings to be backed with collateral.

Who will win this battle for world domination, asks Glazyev—China and Russia or the United States and the New World Order?

- See more at: americanfreepress.net/?p=21410#sthash.hnZNK8zs.dpuf

Poster Comment:

Bad news here.

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#2. To: BTP Holdings (#0) (Edited)

the dollar, which is only backed by massive debts, will continue the decline to its intrinsic value of zero

At 4um Title: 3 Reasons the Dollar is Dead: Ever since Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard, it lost its intrinsic value of being a note redeemable for gold.

The more I see of that "intrinsic value" cliche, the more it sounds like mumbo jumbo to me. So what if a government doesn't redeem dollars itself for gold? That doesn't mean they can't still be used to acquire gold elsewhere and other items too. The main problems, imo, are 1. the interest/debt based Fractional Reserve fiasco and 2. prices are way too high.

Edited last sentence.

GreyLmist  posted on  2014-12-19   4:52:10 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

#3. To: GreyLmist (#2)

1. So what if a government doesn't redeem dollars itself for gold? That doesn't mean they can't still be used to acquire gold elsewhere and other items too.

2. The main problems, imo, are 1. the interest/debt based Fractional Reserve fiasco and 2. prices are way too high.

1. This is true. Ultimately, it is the purchasing power of the dollar which can be used.

Right now, the FED is becoming alarmed at the prospect of deflation. Falling prices are a threat to the entire economy, but would be a boon to consumers.

2. The FED is a fiasco. No complaints on that one. Prices are indeed way too high. Deflation is on the horizon.

BTP Holdings  posted on  2014-12-20   11:20:11 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

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