People like to blame the Confederate Flag for the actions of people. It's a piece of cloth folks, get over it. It never did nor does stand for slavery. In fact, the Civil War wasn't even initiated over slavery, it was initiated over several other things primarily. Slavery only entered into the equation in order to prevent the French from entering the side of the South. Since we're talking flags though, in our team-oriented "not in my house" mentality that's psychotically present pervasively throughout our nation as represented in driving behavior, law-enforcement, politics, education, sports, etc. This sick-minded team behavior is destroying civility around the globe.
But I digress, about flags, what does the American flag represent? And we may as well throw in the Israeli flag since that's typically hand-in-hand as it were with the US flag in terms of foreign policy, where behavior that puts the Charleston shooter's to open shame.
Give the Charleston shooter tactical nukes, massive air power, naval power, top-notch and world-leading technology in armor and armaments, and see what the result is.
Actually, we don't have to guess, that behavior is being played out all but globally and quite perhaps globally here, ... hold on to your hat!
Meanwhile, people die in hospitals due to malpractice, bad drugs, negligence, etc., and from unjustified police shootings and actions in exponentially greater numbers than by those wielding Confederate flags or sympathetic to them.
Yet, where's the outcry about those things? Oh, that's right, people aren't told and incited to complain about them via 24/7 news bombardment, that's why.
We are so screwed as a society! We have our collective head so far up our ass that it'll take a rectal surgeon to remove it.