The South Carolina Conservative Action Council will hold a pro-flag rally (continuing the dozens it held during the main conflict) at the soldier's monument, SC state house, Main and Gervais Sts. Monday at 9am -- the day the legistraitors begin discussing the flag's fate. This is THE organization most responsible for keeping the flag flying. It collected over 50,000 petition signatures and formally presented them to the legislature in the rotunda, holds an annual observance at the monument to the state house building the yankees destroyed (on the anniversary of the burning of Columbia) ad inf.
There will be a dutch treat dinner meeting about the rally TONIGHT 7 PM at Maurice's Piggy Park HQ, 1600 Charleston Highway, West Columbia (one easy turn off 26). Chairman Dr. William Carter edits the Conservative Action Report print newspaper, and a new edition of it (print run of 25,000) will be handed out at tonight's meeting for rapid distribution.
The "mainstream" media ignore the organization's doings so the Report is the public's lifeline to suppressed news and crucially important, POLITICALLY INCORRECT action reports and commentary. Needless to say, you all are warmly invited to both events -- I'll be there, the #2 guy running things.