Cyber Trails Are a Bitch – Hillary is toast

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The Clinton crooks faired better in a paper world, one where they could simply cajole a rumpled buffoon, like Sandy Berger, to stuff damning documents in his pants and socks.

Then when caught they could just claim he was “acting sloppily.”

Was Hillary just “being sloppy” when she deleted 30,000 “personal emails about Chelsea’s wedding”?

Well, she tried not to be sloppy. One of the tidbits unearthed in her emails is a request for a book. The book was about how to delete emails forever. That’s a little like on Forensic Files when they find on a murder suspect’s computer a search for “how to kill your wife and get away with it.”

ABC reports that chapter 6 is called, “The Email That Can Land You In Jail” and it contains info on “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”

The chapter advises that just because you delete an email it doesn’t mean it’s unrecoverable. You have to write and rewrite over it 20 times to ensure it’s gone forever.

From ABC

…Shipley and Schwalbe warn that deleting emails could lead to future legal troubles.

On page 215, the authors list “Stupid (and Real) Email Phrases That Wound Up in Court.” Number one on the list? “DELETE THIS EMAIL!’ Later, on page 226, the writers warn, “If you’re issued a subpoena, your deletion binge will only make you look guilty.”

The FBI is investigating the handling of classified information in Clinton’s emails, while she maintains she has done nothing illegal or improper.

Instead of deleting, the authors suggest never putting sensitive information in an email, quoting disgraced former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer: “’Never talk when you can nod. And never write when you can talk. My only addendum is never put it in an email.’

ht/ mel