Title: Incontrovertible - New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Dec 6, 2015 Author:Tony Rooke Post Date:2015-12-06 17:02:46 by christine Keywords:None Views:774 Comments:5
Poster Comment:
I just came across this. I hadn't heard of it. Follows are some of the comments.
"Simply put, this is not just the best film I've seen on 911, it's the best film I have seen all year." - Sergeant John Meaders, 32 year ex Californian police officer
One of the best 911 movies ever made! - Kevin Barrett, Truth Jihad Radio "All family members of a 9/11 victim should watch this film." - Matt Campbell, victim family member
"Incontrovertible is technically brilliant" - Ian Henshall, Author '9/11 Revealed' & '9/11 The New Evidence'
"Moving, powerful & informative" - Niels Harrit, Veteran Truth Campaigner
"Artfully crafted - manages to convince cumulatively that there are still questions to answer" - Joe Gill - Journalist - Middle East Eye
"Absolutely first rate! The film manages to navigate the broad aspects of 9/11, with all the complexity, and even tie it with 7/7 and JFK, while avoiding the pitfalls of discredited speculative theories. I have no hesitation in sharing this with anyone" - David Chandler, retired physics teacher.