PravdaMainForum... Naturally, the Russian president decided to retreat from air cover, and use ground forces to counter NATO attacks in the Ukraine.
But it was only fiction on the American t.v. show, "Madame Secretary", a scripted show written with US government assistance. It's apparent purpose is to remind people that Hillary was once Secretary of State and designed for the audience confuse the show with reality. The effort to "humanize" the pond scum in the current regime is laughable.
The show also portrays the wife of a Russian president, Maria Ostrov, a former beauty queen, injecting him with a lethal dose of chemical so that she may assume the presidency. This is typical Cold War propaganda crap from Hollywood and Washington.
The show had NATO killing 300 Russian soldiers, and defeated the Russian Army at Mariupol. And of course, the Russian president found a traitor in her inner circle who was feeding intel to the enemy. Yawn.
Maybe taking Ukrainian babies out of their incubators is next?
Edited by Zharkov