I moved to Oz from the US in 2002. Lately, http://www.LibertyForum.org (LF) has been beset by SQL errors, usually of the nature, 'Too many connections', but doing almost a core dump complete with other error messages. Now one might suspect these errors are truly due to 'too many connections', perhaps from http://www.whatreallyhappened.com 's frequently redirectly their own traffic over to LF. Except I live in Oz, both the other sites are in the US, and the problem actually gets worse when the Yanks are beddy bye. Thus, it seems consistent to me that the problem is Bush administration-generated. In the time the US is wakeful, there is lots of 'net traffic, and less of the DOS gets through. At night (in the US, but not in Oz), there is less US-centric 'net traffic, and more of the DOSes get through.
The reason Bush et al would want to shut us all down is obvious. Sever knowledgeable communication, and stifle dissent. I mean, suppose all we ever had for our information input was Bush's State of the Union Speachs, and its spinoffs?
Well, that seems to be what it is coming to.