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Title: VINCE FOSTER - The Mirage of Suicide and The Reality of Murder
Source: The Secret Life of Bill Clinton
URL Source: [None]
Published: Nov 8, 1997
Author: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Post Date: 2016-11-08 00:27:24 by Uncle Bill
Keywords: The, Killers, Have Taken, Over
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VINCE FOSTER - The Mirage of Suicide and The Reality of Murder

Crime/Corruption Opinion (Published) Keywords: VINCE FOSTER, MURDER, ASSASSINATION, DEATH, CLINTON
Source: The Secret Life of Bill Clinton Book/Variety of Books and Articles
Published: 1997 (Book) and Variety of Dates Author: By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and Variety of Authors
Posted on 01/23/2000 15:37:05 PST by Uncle Bill


By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Chapter Ten - 1997

"SO WHY IS A BRITISH reporter so interested in this when nobody else seems to care?"

"It’s the Rosetta Stone," I replied.


We walked in silence toward the interior of Fort Marcy Park. The path cuts through a breach in the ramparts, then opens into a clearing. It has the overgrown look of an English country garden, one of those decaying Victorian estates that no longer has a groundskeeper. My guide walked through to the upper grove, where the cannon points toward the CIA.

"The body was right here," he said, impassively. He was straight out with his hands by his side. Funny place to shoot yourself, isn’t it, back here in all this shrubbery?"

"Maybe, maybe not. How much blood?"

"Not a lot. It was on the right shoulder, coming down from the neck. That stuff about a trickle out of the mouth, I don’t know where that came from because I never saw it."

He scanned the bottom of the park, just in case anybody was watching. But he was not unduly nervous.

"What did the exit wound look like?"

At first he did not answer, as if wondering how much to reveal, then he grabbed me by the shoulder.

"That’s all bullsh*t, man. There was no exit wound."


"Listen to me, and listen to me hard, ‘cause I’m only going to say this once: Vince Foster was shot right here in the neck," he said, jabbing his finger deep into my flesh, an inch or so below the jawline, about halfway between my ear and my chin.


"Yeah. ‘Oh.’ We’ve all been threatened, you know that?"

"I’d heard that."

"Well it’s true. We’re not allowed to talk to anybody. We’re not even allowed to talk to each other. You understand now? This thing’s big, man."

Miquel Rodriguez kept holding the photograph up in the light, wondering. He knew there was something wrong with it. The resolution was too blurred, even for a blowup of a Polaroid.

All you could see was a smear of blood on the right side of Foster’s neck. It was the mysterious "contact stain" that nobody was able to explain. How had the blood found its way there, against the laws of forensic science, against gravity? It was nagging at him day and night.

The Fiske Report said this blood smear had been "caused by a blotting action." The head must have fallen on the shoulder, and then bounced upright again. But that did not make any sense. There was not enough blood on the upper side of Foster’s right shoulder, and the alignment was all wrong for a mirror transfer effect.

Clutching at straws, the forensic pathology panel brought in by the Fiske investigation had concluded that somebody at the crime scene must have moved the head, and was refusing to admit it. But what did the panel know, or care to know?

Dr. Charles Hirsch, chief medical examiner for New York City and the man called to represent the panel in the 1994 Senate hearings, did not speak to the Park Police or the paramedics who attended the crime scene. He did not interview the medical examiner who did the autopsy. He did not even visit Fort Marcy Park.

He relied on autopsy documents, even though the investigation had been fatally compromised by that stage. It was imperative to go deeper into the case. But Dr. Hirsch barely skimmed the surface. This did not stop him testifying in tones of Olympian authority that Foster died where his body was found. "It is my unequivocal, categorical opinion that it was impossible for him to have been killed elsewhere."

Though they were involved in the most important death investigation since the 1960s, the doctors on the Fiske Report’s forensic panel were remarkably incurious. Perhaps forensic pathology is a more slapdash profession than we laymen had imagined. Or perhaps it is more attuned to politics. These gentlemen certainly have the most rococo resumes I have ever seen. They go on for 67 pages at the end of the Fiske Report, longer than the report itself.

We learn, for example, that Dr. Charles Stahl attended a one-day workshop at the Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City on May 23, 1984. We also learn that he was the guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club of Bristol, Tennessee, on April 21, 1983.

Their resumes are quite revealing. They show that three of the four experts have close ties to the FBI and the Pentagon. Dr. James L. Luke, who essentially ran the panel and furnished it with the case documents, is Forensic Pathologist to the Investigative Support Unit of the FBI. He has a "Top Secret" security clearance.

Miquel Rodriguez, however, was not a fully signed-up member of the Washington power elite. A man of slight stature, a high-pitched voice, Iberian features, and large, round, Pre-Raphaelite eyes, he does not look the part of a tough prosecutor. But he has an almost reverential passion for his work as an Assistant United States Attorney in Sacramento. Clearly, Kenneth Starr did not know quite what he was getting when his young Hispanic—a child of migrant farm workers and a graduate of Harvard Law School—arrived in Washington in the fall of 1994 to take up his new post of Associate Independent Counsel.

Nonconformist in every way, the man even spelled his name with a dash of Portuguese defiance. No, my name isn’t Miguel, it’s Miquel. Please be so good as to get it right.

The job of Rodriguez was to reopen the investigation into the death of Vincent Foster. It was generally agreed that the Fiske investigation was so amateurish that the work would have to be done all over again. But this meant very different things to different people. For Rodriguez it meant starting from scratch with an open mind. For Mark H. Tuohey III, the head of the Office of the Independent Counsel in Washington, it meant accommodating the agenda of the U.S. Justice Department. Rodriguez was astounded when Tuohey, his boss, took him aside and told him that it would be ill-advised to challenge the essential findings of the Fiske Report.

This was to be a "friendly takeover." It would be wrong to understand this as an effort to protect the Clintons. Like most Washington lawyers Tuohey happens to be a Democrat, but that is neither here nor there. In my experience, people of his ilk are first and foremost loyal to the group, and the group is an idiosyncratic subculture of like-minded lawyers. They move in and out of the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, D.C. They clerk for the same Supreme Court Justices. They are members of the Metropolitan Club. They are Episcopalians and high Catholics. They are alumni of Georgetown Prep. They do not expose each other’s dirty linen in public. And there was a great deal of dirty linen in the Fiske Report. It had to be finessed as gracefully as possible.

The mission for Miquel Rodriguez, then, was to produce a better suicide report, one that was not so self-evidently mendacious. Whether or not Tuohey already knew the secrets of the Foster case is something that he will have to answer to his conscience, and to history. But it did not look good when he left the Starr investigation in September 1995 to work for the Houston law firm of Vinson & Elkins. As reported by Christopher Ruddy in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, this was the same firm that was representing the Rose Law Firm—Where Hillary Clinton, Vincent Foster, and Webster Hubbell had been partners—in its dealings with the Office of the Independent Counsel. Vinson & Elkins issued assurances that Tuohey would recuse himself from matters relating to the Rose Law Firm. Very wise. Nobody is accusing Mr. Tuohey of switching sides in the thick of battle, but it goes to show how incestuous this circle of lawyers can be.

At first Rodriguez pretended to be following orders. He went about his business quietly, confiding only in his closest aides at the Washington office of the Independent Counsel. Unlike some of the other prosecutors—aristocratic in their work habits, caught up in the whirl of Georgetown social life—he was spending his evenings combing through the archive of documents in the Foster case, and he did not like what he saw.

It became obvious that the FBI agents who did the nuts and bolts work for the Fiske Report were engaged in a systematic cover-up. Now, a year and a half later, the same FBI agents were still there in the Office of the Independent Counsel, the gatekeepers who controlled access to the witnesses, the documents, the evidence. Yet Kenneth Starr had kept them on, allowing them to be the judge of their own past work.

Rodriguez kept muttering about the photograph. "Is this all there is?" he asked.

Yes, that’s all there is; that’s the original, replied his FBI staff. And so it might have rested if it had not been for the courage of one person in the Office of the Independent Counsel who managed to gain access to the locked files. Hidden inside was a folder of crime scene photographs that had been deliberately withheld from the prosecutor.

Among them was the original Polaroid of Foster’s neck. What it showed was something very different from the "contact stain" in the fraudulent picture that had been circulating. Evidently, somebody had taken a photo of the original and then touched it up to disguise the incriminating evidence. This second-generation copy had then been used to create an enhanced "blow up."

It was blatant obstruction of justice. Indeed it was worse. Whoever had done this was now an accessory after the fact in the death of the Deputy White House Counsel, and they had made the mistake of failing to destroy the original.

Wary of entrusting anything to the FBI crime labs, Rodriguez turned to the Smithsonian Institution for enhancement of the original. The work was done by the Smithsonian’s subcontractor, Asman Custom Photo Service on Pennsylvania Avenue. A set of five "blowups" of the original were made. They revealed a dime-sized wound on the right side of Foster’s neck(his left side) about half way between the chin and the ear. It was marked by a black "stippled" ring—a sort of dotted effect, like an engraving—that was suggestive of a .22 caliber gunshot fired at point blank range into the flesh. (Israeli intelligence once had a case like this when they were interrogating a Palestinian, gun pressed in the neck, and accidently shot the man.)

One medical examiner who looked at the photo thought that the wound might be the result of a 40,000 volt stun-gun, designed to cause temporary paralysis for about fifteen minutes. Fired at short range it can leave burn marks. But it was more likely to be a low caliber gunshot wound. Something had perforated the skin, causing blood to ooze down the side of the neck and into the collar.

The photograph, which I have examined carefully, is one of the few surviving Polaroids taken at Fort Marcy that night. The rest disappeared. This includes most of the Polaroids taken by detective John Rolla.

"I mean, I had them in the office that night, I did reports, and I don’t know what happened….I put them in a jacket, I don’t know."

All of the seven Polaroids taken by Officer Franz Ferstl disappeared. He was the first Park Police officer to photograph the crime scene, and his pictures were a unique record of Foster’s body as it was during the first ten to fifteen minutes after the police arrived. Ferstl believes that he gave them to Sgt. Bob Edwards. That was the last anybody saw of them.

It has never been explained what Sgt. Edwards was doing at Fort Marcy Park in the first place. (The record shows that the Fiske investigation never talked to him.) He was not the shift commander. He was not one of the detectives assigned to the case. Yet there he was, in the shadows, unaccountable, playing a critical role in the events of July 20. "Usually, there’s only one investigator to a scene. This was a little bit unusual as far as I was concerned, four investigators at one spot," said Park Police technician Pete Simonello.

Remember, this was supposed to be a "routine suicide." At that stage nobody was supposed to know that Foster was a top White House official.

All of the official 35 mm photos were "underexposed" and deemed useless. The Park Police technician, Peter Simonello, was no beginner. He had attended about 60 gunshot cases in his eleven years with the "identification unit" of the Park Police. But this time something went wrong. The roll was ruined, even though he used a flash for some of the frames. "We can’t determine whether it was a malfunction in the camera or not," he said. But Simonello admitted that he had never had the camera fixed afterwards and continued using it without further problems.

The FBI, of course, has the technology to enhance underexposed negatives. In this case the crime labs were in fact able to produce a number of 8-by-10s of extremely high quality on Kodak Ultra print paper. They were so crystal clear but they revealed considerable detail. The FBI withheld this information from the Fiske investigation and the independent panel of forensic experts. Instead, it sent a memo stating that "limited detail could be extracted from each of the selected frames."

All that survives is a motley collection of 18 Polaroids. Five of them depict Foster’s grey Honda Accord. The rest are a mix, showing the cannon, the surrounding foliage, Foster’s glasses, the gun in Foster’s hand, and so forth. There is only one Polaroid close-up showing the right side of Foster’s face and neck. It is signed JCR 7/20/93 on the back, indicating that it was taken by Detective John Rolla. This is the Polaroid retrieved from the FBI’s hiding place at the Office of the Independent Counsel.

It is not some stray piece of evidence that contradicts everything else known about the case. The original report by Dr. Donald Haut, the Fairfax County Medical Examiner and the only doctor to visit the crime scene that night, lists the cause of death as a "self-inflicted gunshot wound mouth to neck."

Neck. Mouth to neck. According to the official version of events, Foster blew a 1 by 1 ¼ inch hole in the upper part of his skull. "There is no other trauma identified that would suggest a circumstance other than suicide," concluded Fiske’s panel of pathologists. "It is exceedingly unlikely that an individual of Mr. Foster’s physical stature could have been overcome by an assailant inflicting an intraoral gunshot wound without a struggle and there not to have been some other injury sustained at the time."

Well, gentlemen, evidently there was another injury.

Dr. Haut’s report was not included in the documents released by the Senate Banking Committee. It was discovered in June 1997 at the National Archives by my friends Hugh Sprunt and Patrick Knowlton, of whom more later.

So, what did the paramedics see when they arrived from the McLean Station of the Fairfax County Rescue Department?

"I saw blood all over the right side of the neck, from here down, all over the shoulder, and I saw a small—what appeared to be a small gunshot wound here near the jawline. Fine, whether the coroner’s report says that or not, fine. I know what I saw," said Richard Arthur in a sworn deposition to the Senate Banking Committee.

"Lt. Bianchi told me from orders higher up that I’m not allowed to talk to anybody about this if I value my job," he continued.

"I said, well, what about the CIA, the FBI, and all that stuff?

"He said, ‘You’re not allowed to talk to anybody if you value your job.’ "

Four of the rescue workers testified in secret before the Whitewater grand jury in the spring of 1995 that they saw trauma to the side of Foster’s head or neck. Two of them, including Arthur, described it as a gunshot wound. What they revealed under intensive cross-examination was a far cry from the innocuous observations attributed to most of them in their FBI statements. This information was submitted to Kenneth Starr in a memorandum from Miquel Rodriguez summing up the proceedings of the Whitewater grand jury in Washington.

I look forward to reading the Starr Report, which, as I write, has not been released. His predecessor dismissed eyewitness accounts of trauma to the neck with the following words: "The photographs taken at the crime scene conclusively show there were no such wounds."

A little more ingenuity will be necessary this time.

Corey Ashford had the unpleasant task of moving Foster’s corpse from Fort Marcy Park to the morgue at Fairfax Hospital. It was about 8:10 PM by then, still light. The first team of paramedics in Company One had been and gone long ago. His was the cleanup crew.

It can be a horrible business dealing with a gunshot death. A .38 Special will take the back of your head off. Blood everywhere, brain matter. It was not what he was trained for. An Emergency Medical Services technician, aged 24, his metier was saving people’s lives. But somebody had to do it.

Funny thing, though. He didn’t notice any blood. Ashford picked up the corpse from the shoulders, cradling the head against his stomach as he lifted it into the body bag. Still no blood. He didn’t get a drop of blood on his white uniform, or on the disposable gloves he was wearing for the job. There was no blood on the ground underneath the body, either, that he could see. He coded Foster’s body a homicide on his incident report.

Roger Harrison didn’t see any blood either, as he helped Corey slide Foster’s shoulders into the body bag. No blood on the ground. No blood on the corpse. No blood on anybody who had touched it. The grizzled 19-year veteran of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department did not file a hazardous materials report—which is mandatory if there is blood around.

Nobody filed a hazardous materials report. It was almost as if the blood had vanished from the neck between the time that first team of rescue workers left Fort Marcy Park at 6:37 PM, and the second team arrived at 8:02 PM; almost as if somebody had been cleaning up—which, of course, was impossible.

But one thing they could all agree on when they were recounting war stories back at Fire Station One was that nobody saw an exit wound. Corey Ashford didn’t see it. Richard Arthur didn’t see it. Sgt. George Gonzalez didn’t see it. The head was intact.

None of the paramedics saw the "official" 1 by 1 ¼ inch hole in the back of Foster’s skull. They have forensic evidence on their side, too. No bone fragments were ever found behind the head.

Over at the Fairfax County Morgue that night the duty doctor was Julian Orenstein, a charming man who now works as a pediatrician. His job was to verify Vince Foster’s death, nothing else. In his FBI statement taken on May 17, 1994, it says that Dr. Orenstein lifted the body by the shoulders in order to "locate and observe the exit wound on the decedent’s head."

It is a clever construction. Any normal person reading this document would assume that Dr. Orenstein did indeed see the exit wound. But by this stage I was so suspicious of every FD-302 statement taken by the FBI that I decided to call him up at his home in Falls Church, just to be sure.

What did this exit wound look like, I asked him.

"I never saw one directly," he said, clearly taken aback. "The hair was matted with dried blood, but I didn’t get a clear look. I really didn’t spend too much time looking back there; my suspicions weren’t aroused." Indeed.

A few months later I obtained a copy of the handwritten notes of the FBI interviews, which Christopher Ruddy had shaken loose after fighting and winning a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Office of the Independent Counsel. There was no mention of Orenstein trying to locate an exit wound. The passage had been inserted into his FD-302 statement. It was another of the clues left by the FBI in the Foster case. Link the little fibs together, and you start to see the anatomy of a cover-up.

There is another clue in the FBI interview of Park Police Detective John Rolla. In the FD-302 write-up provided to the Senate it says "he observed an extensive amount of blood…on the back side of his head." But in the original handwritten notes the description of the back of Foster’s head is redacted. Why on earth would the FBI redact that passage? National Security? It is a clear-cut violation of the FBI’s obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

After embalming at the Murphy Funeral Home in Arlington, a Defense Department subcontractor, the body went to the Reubel Funeral Home in Little Rock. There it was prepared for final viewing before burial in Foster’s hometown of Hope, Arkansas. The funeral director, Tom Wittenberg, told me that he never looked closely at the body because he was a close friend of Vince Foster’s and the whole ordeal was too distressing. "I checked his hair, face, suit, and hands. That’s all I saw."

But that is not what he told a private investigator in Arkansas in a taped conversation. "What if there was no exit wound at all," he said. "I’m telling you it’s possible there wasn’t."

So, what do the X-rays reveal?

Like the crime scene photos, the X-rays have disappeared. It appears that Dr. James C. Beyer, the Deputy Virginia Medical Examiner, did in fact take X-rays. "Dr. Beyer stated that X-rays indicated there was no evidence of bullet fragments in the head," states a Supplemental Criminal Incident Record of the U.S. Park Police.

The X-ray box on the autopsy report had been ticked "yes." In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Dr. Beyer said that he had been planning to take X-rays but never did. "I made out that report prior to actually performing the autopsy. We’d been having difficulty with our equipment, and we were not getting readable X-rays. We had a new machine; we had new grids; we had a new processor."

He went on to say that no X-rays were taken in his coroner’s office between July 6 and July 26, 1993. In other words, the machine had already been out of action for two weeks. He knew it was not working, but he ticked the box anyway.

"Why didn’t you call Fairfax Hospital and arrange for a portable X-ray machine to be brought in for your use in such an important occasion?" asked Senator Lauch Faircloth.

"Because this was a ‘perforating’ gunshot wound. If it had been a ‘penetrating’ one, I would have gotten an X-ray of the head."

"Do what, now?"

Beyer went on to bury the Senator in an avalanche of technical jargon. But Faircloth, a North Carolina hog farmer, would not give up. "How did you tell the Park Police the results of an X-ray that you didn’t take?"

"I don’t recall telling them that statement."

"Well, they do."

"I have no explanation."

"Has Robert Fiske ever talked with you?"

"No, sir."

"How did Robert Fiske decide to believe you instead of the police report? Did he send investigators to the hospital, or to the company that services the X-ray machine?"

"Not that I am aware of."

But by then Senator Faircloth was running out of his allotted five minutes. He was the only Republican on the Banking Committee who asked the relevant questions during the comical one-day show hearings held by the Democrats on July 29, 1994. In a sense Faircloth was "out of order" because the death of Vincent Foster was strictly off limits. Senate Resolution 229 restricted the investigation to questions involving the conduct of the Park Police and "the way in which White House officials handled documents" in Foster’s office.

Needless to say, it is a mantra of the American press that "two congressional committees" have investigated the death and endorsed the finding of suicide. But Congress was specifically precluded from investigating any such thing. How many journalists who write about the subject are aware of Resolution 229? How many have read it? Precious few, I would wager.

Dr. Beyer was 75 years old when he conducted the autopsy on Vincent Foster. In his prime he had worked for the U.S. Army doing 8,000 combat autopsies in the Korean War. He had gone on to do weapons research and conduct studies on body armor. But by now he was making serious mistakes.

He was responsible for the ruling that Timothy Easley committed suicide with a self-inflicted stab wound in 1989. Much to his chagrin, the killer later confessed. Beyer had neglected to mention a visible stab wound on the hand.

Beyer also conducted the autopsy in the highly sensitive death of Tommy Burkett in December 1991. The Fairfax County police ruled that Burkett had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. But the parents had the body exhumed. A second autopsy found extensive signs of trauma, including a badly broken jaw, a bludgeoned right ear, multiple skull fractures. The parents wrote Beyer a public letter calling him a "liar."

"He denied that there were any autopsy photos after my husband had seen them right there in his office," said Beth Burkett, the boy’s mother. "As far as we’re concerned he’s just a stooge for the FBI."

Miquel Rodriguez tipped his hand too soon. He should have watched and waited, quietly amassing such overwhelming evidence that there could be no turning back. But he did not know how to play the two-faced Washington game, and he certainly did not try. He treated his superiors with open contempt.

"I’m not going to take orders from the lapdog of a lapdog," he was heard snapping at John Bates, the bespectacled clerk appointed by Mark Tuohey III to be number two in the Washington office. He made enemies.

The first thing he noticed were little roadblocks left in his path. His requests for subpoenas were being held up. He was unable to call witnesses before the grand jury in a timely fashion. He was even having trouble obtaining Foster’s credit card and travel records. Then the campaign of leaks began. In February 1995, planted stories started appearing in the Washington press alleging that he had been badgering the Park Police officers at the grand jury. It was half-true. He had been reading them the perjury statutes in a deliberately pointed manner. With good reason. Their accounts were flatly contradicted by the Fairfax County paramedics, who had no obvious incentive to lie. One Park Police officer ultimately broke ranks under cross-examination and testified that the crime scene had been tampered with after he arrived.

The word was put out that Rodriguez was unstable. It was whispered that his conduct was becoming unprofessional. Drip, drip, drip—news stories started appearing that Kenneth Starr had concluded his investigation into the death of Foster and would soon be issuing a suicide report.

Rodriguez was, of course, being roasted slowly on the Beltway spit. It is how the permanent government of the United States deals with people who refuse to submit. Hundreds have been through the ordeal before him. Even senators. Even the Director of the FBI, as William Sessions can attest.

So Rodriguez went to see Kenneth Starr. This was not an easy thing to do. The Independent Counsel was exceedingly busy representing Hughes Aircraft, Bell Atlantic, General Motors—the whole corporate roster. He has continued to earn about $1 million a year from his private work for Kirkland & Ellis, his Chicago-based law firm.

Starr did not behave according to the precedent set by earlier prosecutors burdened with the unique trust of examining the President. Leon Jaworski had dedicated himself full-time to the Watergate probe. Lawrence Walsh had done the same during Iran-Contra. Even Robert Fiske, for all his sins, had shelved his private practice for the duration of this special task. They all understood, instinctively, that they were called upon to make some sacrifice for the republic and its citizens. Decorum demanded no less.

Not Kenneth Starr. During the Whitewater trial of Susan McDougal, he was defending the interests of the NFL Players Association at the Supreme Court. During crucial grand jury testimony about the First Lady’s handling of Rose Law billing records Starr was busy preparing to argue a case for General Motors. He continued to represent Phillip Morris at a time when the tobacco industry was fighting off the threat of regulation by the Food and Drug Administration.

This last case was not exactly a conflict of interest, but as Ralph Nader argues in his book No Contest: Corporate Lawyers and the Perversion of Justice in America it stands to reason that the Whitewater investigation gave Starr a degree of suasion over the executive branch of the U.S. government. It strikes me that the criticisms leveled against Kenneth Starr by Nader, The Nation, and other voices on the Left are entirely to the point. This is not a man who understands the nature of his duty.

Juggling so many balls in the air left him little time for the Washington office of the Independent Counsel. His thoughts were focused on the Little Rock office of the Whitewater investigation, the one that has secured all the convictions so far: Webb Hubbell, Governor Jim Guy Tucker, and Susan and Jim McDougal, among others. The Washington office has not brought a single indictment. It is an odd appendage, a clique of friends from the U.S. Attorney’s office in D.C., known more for their leaks and cozy relationship with the Washington press corps than the conduct of useful business. It was this office that was in charge of the Foster case.

Clearly, Starr had been assured a long time ago that there was nothing to Foster’s death. He was none too pleased when Miquel Rodriguez started sending memos warning that there was something deeply wrong. Starr was charming, of course. The son of a Texas, small-town, Church of Christ minister, he is a delightful man, and a devout Christian. But he had no idea what to do when Rodriguez told him that an original Polaroid showed a wound in the neck, and that renegade elements of the FBI were covering up the case.

Rodriguez resigned on March 20. His closest aide resigned in sympathy. He returned to his old job in Sacramento, refusing to give interviews to the press. By all accounts he was philosophical in defeat. There is only so much a single human being can do. Life moves on.

The grand jury was disbanded and sent home. It was replaced by a new jury with no knowledge of the peripatetic gun, or the missing photos, or the wound in the neck.

A second campaign of leaks was launched, this time announcing that the Foster suicide report was ready. It continued for another two and a half years, the longest sustained leak in the history of the Washington Beltway. One after another the major newspapers and TV networks came out with premature stories announcing that the Starr Report would be released shortly. When it never came, Starr’s aides said it had been delayed because of the "Foster crazies" out there. Few reporters stopped to think about this. Why was Starr concerned about the "crazies"? Why would he allow that to influence the timing of his report by one minute, let alone two and a half years?

In March 1997 the Washington Bureau Chief for The Los Angeles Times, Jack Nelson, announced that the Starr Report was finally ready. "It puts the lie to that bunch of nuts out there spinning conspiracy theories and talking about murder and cover-ups," said an unnamed source, in the third paragraph.

I wonder if Jack Nelson was even aware of Miquel Rodriguez when he wrote that article. Was the prosecutor who actually investigated the case, and who conducted the cross-examination in front of the grand jury, reduced to nothing more than a "nut"? Was it really as simple as that?

It sometimes appeared the Starr team had spent more time spinning the media than actually investigating the Foster case. While the Washington office was leaking that the suicide report was coming, the Little Rock office was craftily leaking a very different story. Hickman Ewing, the Deputy Independent Counsel for the South—well-advertised as a Baptist, teetotaler, incorruptible prosecutor—was sent out as an ambassador to the "Foster crazies" to reassure them that the matter was still being investigated seriously.

When this started wearing thin in the spring of 1996, it was announced that a new prosecutor had been appointed to review the whole Foster case. His name was Steven Parker, a Ewing protégé from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Memphis. Much was made of the fact that he was a "homicide expert." Hickman Ewing even ventured so far as to say: "There remain questions about Foster’s death….Was it a murder? Or was it a suicide? Either way, why?"

Talk radio went wild for a few days. Right-wingers toasted Hickman Ewing all over again. It was Hickman this, and Hickman that, and Hickman would save civilization. But it was all eyewash. The case had been closed long before. Hickman Ewing was a team player.

Even as Ewing spoke about remaining questions, the San Diego Medical Examiner, Dr. Brian Blackbourne, was wrapping up his independent review of the case. I asked him if he had been provided with the original Polaroid showing a black stippled wound on the side of Foster’s neck.

No, he said, he had not been given anything like that.

The most important piece of crime scene evidence remained locked in a file.


GENE WHEATON - Special Agent - U.S. Army, C.I.D. - Excerpts from The Death of Vince Foster - What Really Happened? video produced by Jeremiah Films Inc. in 1995.

Narrator: Gene Wheaton, retired U.S. Special Agent with the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, has more than 35 years experience as a homicide investigator. He spent several weeks in Washington investigating the Foster case.

First Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "I was hired, uh, uh, to specifically go to Washington and make some inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the death of White House legal counsel Vincent Foster. It is my professional opinion, and I’ve been a homicide investigator for 35-40 years, that uh, the events surrounding the death were treated in such a cavalier and bizarre manner, that it had to have been a cover-up. I have, uh, never in my career, seen a, a gunshot wound into the mouth by a suicide that didn’t have a tremendous amount of blow-back of blood, brains and tissue, uh, both in the..out of the mouth and the nose, the ears, and the back of the skull at the exit wound. It’s a very sloppy, gory sight to see. And when that person fires a .38 caliber revolver, which the alleged weapon was, uh, or, higher caliber than that, uh, there’s a tremendous amount of gases that have no place to go inside the skull cavity and it just blows everything out. Uh, for them to say that, there was a very minor amount of blood at the scene, which, which is what’s in the offical reports, uh, I, I find it hard to believe. It doesn’t make any professional sense."

Second Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "The oddity that has never been explained of the crime scene is the , is the failure of anybody, at the, during the crime scene search, to find that the, uh, large skull fragments that were blown out of the back of Foster’s head. Uh, they didn’t just disappear in thin air, they should have been right there on the ground and around the body, and, uh, there’s been no explanation as to, as to, why they weren’t there. Uh, and the, the most logical explanation is either they were, they were picked up and destroyed or the body was moved from another location."

Third Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "There’s a tremendous amount of recoil, uh, when a pistol of that caliber is fired. In my career of investigating many hundreds of violent deaths, I can not recall ever finding a large caliber pistol still remaining in the victims hand after his death."

Fourth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "People don’t die like they do on television. They flop their arms around and, I’ve seen weapons thrown thirty-forty feet away from the body from a suicide. But I’ve never found one still in the hand."

Fifth Excerpt:
Reed Irvine- Accuracy in Media: "The gun that’s found in his hand is a 1913 Colt Special, uh, Army Special, and made up of the parts of two different guns. The last transaction which was registered was 1913. It’s untraceable."

Gene Wheaton: "That is the classic type of a weapon that’s untraceable used by professional political assassins and organized crime hit men, uh, to kill somebody, when they’re gonna leave the weapon behind and to make it look like a suicide."

Sixth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "And nobody has questioned this, officially, that’s the most bizarre, uh, uh, factor in this whole case. I can’t understand why the national media and congressional committees don’t have a, a, a, stronger reaction to a obviously phony, flawed, fake, investigation and final reports."

Seventh Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "If you take the entire scenario of Vince Foster’s death and you take each portion of it and put it together, there are so many circumstantial things, there’s a preponderance of circumstantial evidence indicating he did not commit suicide."

Eighth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "A ten-year-old child can take pictures with a 35mm camera and a trained technician, uh, will automatically have that camera set properly, and they said that the film was all underexposed, uh, which makes no since. But they also took Polaroid shots, but they never took any shots of the entire scene, they just took close-up shots of his body, and that is against ALL procedure, training, regulations in photographing a crime scene."

Ninth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "If I was going to select the least professional federal law enforcement agency in the United States to conduct a homicide investigation, it would be the Park Police."

Tenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "The man was one of President Clinton’s closest confidants and lifetime friends, as well as the number two legal counsel to the President in the White House. And to leave the investigation of a, of a violent death to a Park Police agency instead of calling in the FBI immediately is unconscionable and I’ve never heard it happening in my life."

Eleventh Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "For the FBI not to have exerted its authority to go in there immediately and assume control of that investigation means that, that the new FBI director, uh, a presidential appointee, had to have ordered his investigators, his special agents, not to conduct an investigation."

Twelfth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "The reason police investigate suicides is to eliminate the possibility of murder. And they didn’t do that in this case. They just went in and, and wrote it up as a suicide. You always have to approach a suicide as a homicide investigation, and eliminate homicide before you call it a suicide."

Thirteenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "The Park Police officers involved at the crime scene, and also involved in the subsequent investigation, have all been ordered to keep their mouth shut, not talk about this case, uh, or they will jeopardize their careers, uh, and this is coming down from very high level at the very top of the Park Police chain of command."

"Not a single policeman involved in this case, uh, from the Park Police or the Virginia law enforcement people, uh, believe that this was a suicide. Uh, the superiors of the police officers and the Park Police, uh, called it a suicide and uh, and ordered their people to write this up, as a suicide."

Fourteenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "One of the easiest things in the world to obtain sharp fingerprints from is a piece of paper. Even the old fashioned way of iodine fumars, uh, uh, will bring it out, even in layers, and one fingerprint on top of another. And I defy anyone to tear a piece of paper into twenty-seven pieces without using gloves, without leaving their fingerprints on it, and yet they’ve claimed there were no fingerprints on this piece of paper, that was torn into twenty-seven pieces, um, it’s, it’s idiotic and it’s a lie."

Fifteenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "If Robert Fiske had been serious in reinvestigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Vince Foster and the questions concerning X-rays, and bullet fragments, and pieces of the brain being missing, and so forth. One of the first things he would have done would of, should have done, is been to obtain a court order and exhume the body, and have that re-examination, re-autopsy the body. And that could still be done, and I, if, to me, the, the failure to do it is a major sign of cover-up."

Sixteenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "One of the biggest mistakes, and I don’t think it was a mistake, I think it was intentional, uh, acts that was committed by the Special Counsel was a failure to, to convene a federal grand jury and subpoena these people and place them under oath with the, with the specter of prosecution for perjury if they didn’t tell all. He gave them a license to be vague, or to lie, because of no threat."

Seventeenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "The first thing that any agency conducting an investigation, the man in that position, should have done, is, seal his car, seal his office, and seal his home, until a thorough search is made. Uh, people went in and ransacked his office, uh, uh, absconded with documents, which is a FELONY to, to a, interfere in the conduct of a, of a federal investigation. Even an incompetent one. Uh, and, no one seems to care."

"And those people should be brought to task for it. And they should be subpoenaed, put under oath, and, and with the threat of prosecution of tampering with a crime scene, they should be forced to explain why they did it, who ordered it, and what they did with the evidence."

Eighteenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "I believe they were frightened to death that if a proper investigation was conducted it would disclose improper actions of people in the White House back in Arkansas, uh, uh, events that Vince Foster had knowledge of and the White House may have participated in a cover-up of its own, separate from the murder, simply to keep, uh, a series of nasty events involving laundered money and covert operations in, down in Mena Arkansas from becoming public. The Arkansas National Guard, when Bill Clinton was Governor, was deeply involved in, in, the covert operations down in Mena, Arkansas and Bill Clinton was their commander, and, and, there is, there is strong indications that uh, some of the laundered money from these covert operations uh, wound up being laundered through the, through the Arkansas Treasury, and, through ADFA. And, uh, Vince Foster would have been close enough to that as the confidant of the President that uh, that the trail of the motive for someone killing him would have probably led back to them as well."

Nineteenth Excerpt:
Gene Wheaton: "I would think that the American public uh, would become a little incensed at, at the tendency of the national media to assist in cover-ups of this type of thing, instead of just accepting them at face value. The national media has made extraordinary efforts to downplay this investigation of Vince Foster and to accept this ludicrous uh, Fiske Report . The national media is so controlled in the United States, they are wimps, who go along with the power structure of the country, and assist in cover-ups by acts of omission in failing to do their duty, and, when they accepted the Fiske Report at face value, when it’s so blatantly inconsistent with the facts."


All these inconsistencies in the Foster cover-up involve Bill Clinton’s conflicting versions of his final conversation with Foster. When first asked, Clinton said he couldn’t remember when he last spoke with Foster or what was discussed.

Number 1 version:
Date of call: Unknown
Purpose of call: Unknown

When he was asked a second time he claimed he spoke with Foster Sunday night, 2 days before his death.
Number 2 version:
Date of call: Sunday, July 18
Purpose of call: Invite Foster to movie

Clinton redrafted his story a third time, changing the date of his call to Monday, the night before Foster’s death. According to Time Magazine, at this point Clinton still maintained he was unaware of Foster’s depression.
Number 3 version:
Date of call: Monday, July 19
Purpose of call: Invite Foster to movie

When the White House Press Office announced depression as the reason behind Foster’s suicide, Clinton then redrafted a 4th version claiming the purpose of this call was to cheer up his friend.
Number 4 version:
Date of call: Monday, July 19
Purpose of call: To cheer up Foster

The question becomes, not "if" Clinton lied, but why he lied.

Excerpt Below: The Secret Life of Bill Clinton - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard:

"I once asked a gathering of thirty Washington journalists what they considered to be the most compelling evidence that Vincent Foster committed suicide. There was a brief silence, then somebody said: ‘Well, he was depressed.’

It was a very good answer. The depression is all they have, and by ‘they’ I mean Fiske, Starr, the Justice Department, the White House, The Washington Post, the governing class. Take that away, and there is nothing left to sustain the ruling of suicide. Nothing."

" ‘Pontius Pilate of the Potomac’ –is how Starr was described in a blistering denunciation by James Davidson, the editor of the newsletter Strategic Investment. ‘Starr will fade, but he will not be forgotten. Historians will certainly have something to say about him. ‘When The Decline and Fall of the United States’ is written, Starr will merit a chapter. He will be seen as a weak, temporizing man who lacked the force of character to confront a corrupt system.’ "

THE PARKS MURDER - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

The Rise of the FBI and the Fall of the Republic

Clinton’s Still Haunted By FBI Files Scandal - FBI Files Links

THE OCTOPUS - The Tentacles of Corruption

The Vince Foster Investigation Library

Foster Death Report Sees Professional "Hit" - [Court Unseals 511-Page Document Charging Obstruction of Justice] - (Make Sure To View The Links At The Bottom of the Page) - WorldnetDaily - Sept. 15, 1999

New Evidence Exposes Vince Foster Murder - Washington Weekly - October 26, 1998

Vince Foster Was Murdered, Say Experts - The Electronic Telegraph - May 1, 1995

America’s Dreyfus Affair - The Case of The Death of Vincent Foster [All Parts Linked] - By David Martin

101 Peculiarities Surrounding the Death of Vincent Foster - Richard L. Franklin - Oct. 4, 1999

STREET FASCISM - (Patrick Knowlton) - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - The Secret Life of Bill Clinton (Chapter 12) - 1997

Vince Foster FBI Files On-Line - APB

The Preliminary Fiske Report - Note that Fiske's report was only preliminary. His final report on Vincent Foster remains sealed. When the Wall Street Journal filed a Freedom Of Information Act request to force the release of Fiske's final report, the court, in an unprecedented prior restraint, ordered the Wall Street Journal not to report on the case, or to even mention what the final ruling actually was. This illegal prior restraint is one of the indicators, which reveals how terrified the government is of the facts behind the death of Vincent Foster.

The Starr Report - The Death of Vince Foster - The Washington Post

The Starr Report Addendum

Dr. Haut’s Falsified Death Report

The Beyer Autopsy Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.

Medical Examiner Gives Contradictory Testimony in Foster and Burkett Cases

The Death of Tommy Burkett

Dr. Beyer’s Connection to the FBI

Hugh Sprunt - Citizen’s Investigative Report (CIR)


Allan J. Favish
Attorney at Law
2813 S. Bentley Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90064-4003
Voice & Fax: (310) 479-8764
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E-mail at:

The Allan J. Favish Website

The Other Starr Report - WorldnetDaily - Oct. 27, 1999

Will Starr Find A Smoking Gun In The Vincent Foster Case?

Anatomy of the Head Wound - An Analysis of Robert Bracci's Discovery - By Hugh Sprunt

. Sprunt on Bracci's Discovery re Vince Foster's Wounds - [Thread # 1]

. Sprunt on Bracci’s Discovery re Vince Foster’s Wounds - [Thread #2]

. Sprunt on Bracci’s Discovery re Vince Foster’s Wounds - [Thread #3]

. Sprunt on Bracci’s Discovery re Vince Foster’s Wounds - [Thread #4]

Explanation of the Haut Report

FOIA Complaint to Inspect Original Haut Report

Freedom of Information Act Guide - September, 1998

Newly Released Photo Index Regarding The Death of Vincent Foster

Caught: A Falling Starr

The Starr Report - Billy Beck Website

Allan J. Favish Homepage
FOSTER'S NECK WOUND PROVEN! - [FR Thread] - July 20, 1997
Secret Service Responds to Favish FOIA Regarding Foster Video - Nov. 25, 1998


Alleged Foster Bullet Trajectory - Allan Favish, Hugh Sprunt, John Moore - Mar. 17, 1999

Ninth Circuit to Hear Oral Argument in Vincent Foster FOIA Case on November 1, 1999 - Oct. 1, 1999

New Vincent Foster FOIA Lawsuit To Inspect Original Version of the Haut Report - Jan. 3, 2000

Contact John Clarke at:
Contact Hugh Turley at:
Contact Patrick Knowlton at:


Frequently Asked Questions About the Foster Case

Photographs, Illustrations and Audio

Failure of the Public Trust Archive - Summary of the Report

The Starr Report Addendum

Related Documents

Related Articles

What You Should Do!

The Patrick Knowlton Case - Links

Vince Foster - Historic Addendum to Starr Report on Death - Jan. 21, 2000

Foster Excerpt: "The Congress" - Sept. 27, 1999

FOSTER: Anatomy of the Suicide Conclusion - Nov. 7, 1999


J.C. Huntington Website

Please see this site. It has some great information and very professional graphics related to the Vince Foster Death. There is also some great information concerning the cover-up of Kenneth Starr.


The Death of Vince Foster - Evidence of a Cover-Up - Michael Rivero’s Foster Page

NOTE: There is a great deal of information regarding the gun(s) at issue regarding the death of Vince Foster on Rivero’s Foster page.

The Death of Vincent Foster - July 20, 1997

Foster Murdered, Starr Sex Case Equal Clinton Clean Out - By Michael Rivero - Aug. 27, 1998

Vincent Foster: Why it Matters - By Michael Rivero - Oct. 20, 1998


A Possible Scenario For The Murder Of Vince Foster - By Michael Rivero - Jan. 6, 1999

Ken Starr - The Clinton’s Accomplice---The Vince Foster Cover-Up - By Michael Rivero - July 5, 1999


The Death of Vincent Foster Archive - Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard’s Articles on Clinton

Archive of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Articles

Hill Ties Up Ends Left Behind By Vince’s Rapid-Onset Of Cranial Lead Infection - March 22, 1995


Vince Foster's Secret Life - May 22, 1995

Secret Swiss link To Vince Foster Death - May 22, 1995

Riddle of Spooks in the White House - Jan. 29, 1996

Private Investigator[Jerry Parks] Hired By Foster - July 15, 1996

The Vince Foster case - an interview with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - Mar. 19, 1997

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Interview - Jim Quinn show - April 24, 1997

The Vince Foster Case - An Interview With Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - July 20, 1999


Newsmax Vince Foster Archives - Christopher Ruddy

Vince Foster Reports - Pittsburgh Tribune - Christopher Ruddy

Investigative Reporters Say Clinton Being Protected - Jan. 22, 1997

Visit to Hope reveals doubts of Foster's suicide - Mar. 30, 1997

ANALYSIS: Court date nears for Foster witness - April 7, 1997

The Unanswered Questions in the Foster Case - June 27, 1997

A MEMO: The Unanswered Questions in the Foster Case - June 28, 1997

"Starr report on Foster no surprise" Center says - July 15, 1997

Analysis: Starr's Report on Foster Death Questionable - July 20, 1997

ANALYSIS: Foster update: Liberals among those who doubt - Aug. 13, 1997

The Strange Death of Vincent Foster - Aug. 19, 1997

Interview with Christopher Ruddy on Quinn Show - Sept. 22, 1997


Troopers Won’t Budge on Foster’s Death - Nov. 4, 1997

Troopers won't budge on Foster death - Nov. 4, 1997

The Slander Campaign Against Ruddy - Jan. 6, 1998



Zogby Poll: Nearly 70% of Americans Don't Accept Foster Suicide - Feb. 23, 1998

Now, Starr Can't Ask McDougal about Foster - Mar. 18, 1998

Positive Review of Ruddy and Evans-Pritchard books - March, 1998

Nathan Landow - Democratic Power Broker Under New Press Scrutiny - Mar. 29, 1998

Carville: Ruddy is Number One 'Antagonist' of Clinton White House - Mar. 31, 1998

Vince Foster, If You Only Knew - May 18, 1998

Vince Foster's Role - Oct. 5, 1998

Christopher Ruddy's Open Letter to Linda Tripp - Oct. 8, 1998


Tripp Testifies of Foster Death Cover-up; Murder of Jerry Parks - Oct. 8, 1998

Tripp Testifies on Vince Foster - Oct. 8, 1998

Reports Tie Clinton Sexcapades to Foster's Death - Nov. 23, 1998

FOSTER : Find the XRAYS or EXHUME the BODY - Jan. 23, 1999

Link Suggested Between Foster & Colby Deaths - March 12, 1999

The Aborted Chinagate Search: Deja Foster? - June 11, 1999 - Carl from Oyster Bay

Chris Ruddy: Analysis: Janet Reno -- the Cornerstone of the Clinton Cover-ups - June 14, 1999

Vince Foster's death: What, and when, did White House know? - July 20, 1999

Did Affair Neuter Newt on Foster, Brown, and ChinaGate? - Aug. 13, 1999

Hillary and Vince Foster: Too Close For Comfort - Sept. 22, 1999

Foster Was Murdered, Trooper Says - Sept. 23, 1999

Foster Was Murdered, Trooper Says - Sept. 23, 1999

Starr’s Investigators Voice New Doubts On Foster "Suicide" - Dec. 20, 1999

Clinton In Foster’s Office? - Dec. 29, 1999

Foster Case Friends Help Hillary Move - Jan. 5, 2000

I Did Not Have Sex With That Man, Vince Foster: Hillary - Jan. 20, 2000


The Vince Foster File Archive - The Washington Weekly


Court Orders Vince Foster Papers Released - Sept. 1, 1997

THE ANATOMY OF A COVER-UP: Ruddy's New Book Explains The Foster Fiasco Sept. 29, 1997

COURT UNDERMINES STARR'S FINDINGS IN FOSTER CASE - Adds Addendum By Key Witness Dismissed By Starr - Oct. 13, 1997

Associated Press 'Told' What To Write On Foster Report - Oct. 20, 1997

THE KNOWLTON ADDENDUM Unexplained Mysteries of the Foster Case - Nov. 3, 1997


FBI Conspiracy In Foster Death Investigation - Feb. 15, 1998


Marsha Scott 'spent almost the entire day with Vince Foster the day before his death' - Vanity Post about Washington Weekly Article and Interview Forthcoming - May 16, 1998

Vince Foster, Five Years After - July 19, 1998

Foster Link Apparent in Tripp Filegate Bombshell - Gary Aldrich Confirms Possible White House Motive - July 26, 1998

Foster Link Apparent in Tripp Filegate Bombshell - Gary Aldrich Confirms Possible White House Motive - July 27, 1998


New Evidence Exposes Vince Foster Murder - Victim Not Shot With .38 Caliber Revolver - Oct. 25, 1998

New Evidence Exposes Vince Foster Murder - Oct. 26, 1998


New Evidence Exposes Vince Foster Murder - Oct. 26, 1998

What Happened to Vince Foster/Court Ruling Provides the Answer - Oct. 26, 1998

Vince Foster-'Dr. Haut Admits Recording Neck Wound, Denies Speaking of Murder' - Nov. 2, 1998

Vince Foster- 'Dr. Haut Admits Recording Neck Wound, Denies speaking of Murder' - Nov. 2, 1998

Source Alleges Initial Murder Conclusion in the Vince Foster Case - Nov. 2, 1998

Secret Service Denies Having Records of Vince Foster's Last Day - Nov. 30, 1998

Secret Service Denies Having Records of Vince Foster's Last Day - Nov. 30, 1998

Where are the Foster Videos? - Nov. 30, 1998

Vince Foster Revisited - Court Unseals 500-Page Exposure of Cover-Up - Wesley Phelan - Sept. 19, 1999


The WorldnetDaily Website

Foster witness stands by story: Knowlton responds to pressure by suing FBI - June 25, 1997

Why Foster Death Still Haunts Us - July 17, 1997

Last hope for real Foster probe - Sept. 15, 1997

Shroud of secrecy in Foster case - Oct. 1, 1997

Foster report raises more questions than it answers - Oct. 20, 1997

FBI official in Foster case promoted - Oct. 28, 1997

FBI Official In Foster Case Promoted - Oct. 28, 1997

New Twist In Unraveling Foster Cover-Up - Nov. 13, 1997

Connecting Tailgate and Fostergate - Feb. 9, 1998

Suit Filed to Open Foster Files - Feb. 13, 1998

Suit filed to open up Foster files - Feb. 13, 1998

Suit Filed to Open up Foster Files - Feb. 13, 1998

Still lots of doubts about Foster - Feb. 23, 1998

Poll shows public doubts Foster findings - Feb. 23, 1998

Court Orders Starr to Release Foster Photos - March 11, 1998

New questions in Foster's death - Mar. 30, 1998

Nobody can explain Foster inconsistencies; Investigators refuse responsibility for new FBI details - April 7, 1998

A tragedy of a book , Moldea's dishonest, deceitful con job on Foster case - May 14, 1998


Foster witness amends lawsuit: Autopsy doctor, FBI official new defendants - [Patrick Knowlton] - Oct. 22, 1998

A plea to reopen Foster probe - Nov. 17, 1998

Foster Death Report Sees Professional "Hit" - Sept. 15, 1999

Foster Death Report Sees Professional "Hit" [Court unseals 511 page document charging obstruction of justice] - Sept. 15, 1999

Foster Death Report Sees Professional "Hit" [Court unseals 511 page document charging obstruction of justice] - Sept. 15, 1999

Foster Death Report Sees Professional "Hit" [Court seals 511 page document charging obstruction of justice] - Sept. 15, 1999

Vince Foster Medical Report Withheld - Jan. 11, 2000


Accuracy in Media Website
Accuracy In Media Foster Articles

Hillary and the Forgery - The Suicide Note

C-Span Breaks Media Blackout On Foster Case - Accuracy in Media - Oct. 30, 1997

Truth About Foster Case Could Still Emerge - Accuracy in Media - Oct. 31, 1997

What? No Exit Wound? - April 1, 1998

New Civil Suit re-opens the Vincent Foster Investigation! - Patrick Knowlton Case - Accuracy in Media - Oct. 26, 1998


Hugh Sprunt - Citizen’s Investigative Report (CIR)


Sept 29th Letter to U.S. COURT OF APPEALS Re: Starr's Foster Report - Hugh Sprunt - Oct. 10, 1997

A Washington Tragedy - A Book Review by Hugh Sprunt - WorldnetDaily - May 12, 1998

Hugh Sprunt Report: Info and Musings Re: Vince Foster - Aug. 14, 1998

Trio Still Seeking Answers About Foster - Dallas Morning News - July 6, 1999


J. Orlin Grabbe Website

Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying - Dec. 1996 - [All parts documented in this thread]

Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying, Part XVII

VINCE FOSTER, NSA, BANKING & SPYING . . .PART II - The Fostergate Investigations

Vince Foster and the NSA - Charles Smith

Parallels Between the Deaths of Tommy Burkett and Vince Foster - By Hugh Turley - Dec. 7, 1997


The Death of Vince Foster Archives


Who Is Vincent Foster? - #2 in a series - June 17, 1993

The Foster Test - # 3 in a series - Jan. 14, 1994

Mr. Foster & Mr. Livingstone - lest we forget - July 12, 1996

In RE: Vincent Foster - Nov. 25, 1997


Police not told of Foster office search - July 21, 1995

Foster killed himself, says Starr report - July 16, 1997

Vince Foster’s Ghost - Sept. 29, 1997

The Starr report on Vincent Foster - Oct. 14, 1997

Maybe Vince Foster Was The Smart One - Oct. 14, 1997

Secret Service Agent Testified In Wake Of Foster's Death - Feb. 27, 1998

Haunted by Vince Foster's Notes - April 2, 1998



It's Paranoia, Not Conspiracy in Foster Case - Christopher Ruddy - Jan. 28, 1997

Starr Report Rules Out Foul Play in Foster Death - Feb. 23, 1997

Starr and Foster: The Increasingly High Price of Public Service - Mar. 2, 1997

Those Conspiracy Clowns Make a Fool of Ted Koppel - The New York Observer - Mar. 17, 1997

Foster Committed Suicide, Report Issued By Starr Says - October 11, 1997

High Court to Hear Foster-Notes Dispute - Mar. 31, 1998


Vince Foster and Travelgate--One Week Prior to His Death - Bob Dole Statement on Senate Floor - July 14, 1993

Mystery at Fort Marcy Park - G. Gordon Liddy - April, 1994

The Debra von Trapp Allegations - Conspiracy Nation - 1995

Dark Implications of the Foster Assassination - John Moore - 1995

Copies of Notes on Foster's Papers Stolen in Break-In - AP - July 15, 1995

The Phantom of the Foster Story - Insight Magazine - Nov. 27, 1995

The Phantom of the Foster Story - Insight Magazine - Nov. 27, 1995

Foster - Boorda : Disturbing Parallels - John Moore Compilation - 1996

CBS '60 Minutes' Distorts Foster Evidence - Fiske Report and CBS '60 Minutes' Broadcast - 1996

VINCE FOSTER - Unsolved Mysteries Shows Repeat Tonight - Robert Stack - Mar. 22, 1996 [Repeat]

Closure On Vince Foster - Feb. 24, 1997


CHARGING CLINTON ON FOSTER - Internet Newsgroup - Mar. 18, 1997

Foster, Sockowitz, Tenet and Missing Top Secret Documents Linked to Systematics and Indonesian Billionaire - SoftWar, Charles Smith - March 26, 1997

Proof of Homicide in the Case of Vincent Foster - Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater - March 26, 1997

FARAH IS BRACED FOR A WHITEWASH ON FOSTER SCANDAL - POSTnet - The Sacramento Bee - By Dan Smith - Mar. 29, 1997

Whitewater defeat for First Lady - Hugh Davies - The Electronic Telegraph - June 24, 1997

Vince Foster - Note Writer - Rodger Schultz [FR Poster] - July 1, 1997

Starr Concludes Foster Death Was Suicide - The Washington Post - July 16, 1997

Starr agrees Foster died by own hand; friends hope report finally settles issue - Arkansas Democrat Gazette - July 16, 1997

Foster's Death: Still Plenty of Questions - Investor’s Business Daily - July 17, 1997

Leo Wanta: Explosive Evidence in Foster Case and Corruption in Washington - CAS Mailing List - Tom from Venice on Putnam & Briem Shows - July 21, 1997

A VINCE FOSTER COVER-UP? NOT SUCH A CRAZY NOTION - New York Observer - Aug. 11, 1997

Prosecutors may get peek at Foster notes on travel office - Nando Net - Aug. 29, 1997

Some Foster Notes Ordered Released - The Washington Post - Aug. 30, 1997

Perry, Patterson and Davis Affidavits Re: Foster Death - Doug From Upland - Sept. 9, 1997

The Death of Vince Foster - Thomas Sowell - Sept. 18, 1997

Court Won't Reconsider Foster Notes - CNN - Sept. 21, 1997

VINCE FOSTER AND THE NSA - Spy Agency Hiding Evidence? - Softwar, Charles Smith - Sept. 22, 1997

Strategic Weekly Briefings' Review of "The Strange Death of Vincent Foster" - Oct. 6, 1997

The Media Blackout on Vince Foster's Death - Media Research Center - Oct. 6, 1997

Starr Reiterates that Foster Died in Suicide - Fox News - Oct. 10, 1997

Starr's Foster Report: New evidence about Foster's depression - Fox News - Oct. 10, 1997

Report on Foster's Suicide Portrays a Depressed Man - The New York Times - Oct. 11, 1997

Excerpt From Independent Counsel's Report on Foster's Death - The New York Times - Oct. 11, 1997

Starr Probe Reaffirms Foster Killed Himself - The Washington Post - Oct. 11, 1997

Foster Death Mystery Grows Following Starr's Report - The Progressive Review - Oct. 15, 1997
Media Snub Foster Book - Pittsburgh Tribune Review - Oct. 19, 1997

Starr's Vince Foster Report is a Cover-up says Chris Ruddy - Michael Reagan’s Hot Topics - Oct. 20, 1997

'Hardball' goes Soft on Foster - CAS Mailing List - Carl of Oyster Bay - Oct. 21, 1997

Geoff Metcalf interview of Ambrose Evans Pritchard - Oct. 28, 1997

Foster Suicide Case a Test of Lawyer-Client Privilege - N.Y. Times - Nov. 3, 1997

"Did You Know..." ...about Vince Foster? (part one) - Wayne F. Sweitzer - November 7, 1997

Foster Fadeout on the Web - Forbes - November 11, 1997

Vince Foster: Jacob Cohen and "The National [Cursory] Review" - Michael Gallutia [FR Poster] - Dec. 1, 1997


Conservatives argue over pursuing Foster case - Nando - Dec. 6, 1997


Foster would have been `critical witness' in travel office probe - AP - Jan. 17, 1998

Tripp testified about Foster death - Arkansas Democrat Gazette - Jan. 22, 1998

COUP ON DC, 1993, Part 1 - Foster’s Death - FR Poster Arthur Wildfire - Feb. 11, 1998

COUP ON DC, 1993, Part 2 - Foster’s Death - FR Poster Arthur Wildfire - Feb. 11, 1998

Starr Seeks Access To Foster’s Notes - AP - Feb. 17, 1998

Starr Seeks Quick Access To Foster Notes - USA Today - Feb. 18, 1998

Colombo: Case of the Foster "Suicide" - - March 10, 1998
Vince Foster's Last Weekend Spent With Nate Landow - Strategic Weekly Briefings - Mar. 20, 1998

The Secret Life of Webb Hubbell - Softwar - Charles Smith - Mar. 20, 1998

Vince Foster’s Last Weekend Spent With Nate Landow - Strategic Weekly Briefings - Mar. 20, 1998

Foster Breakthrough! - CAS Mailing List - Mar. 26, 1998

PICTURES OF FOSTER'S BODY BEING MOVED? - Tom in Venice on George Putnam Show - Mar. 27, 1998

Connecting the Dots…Nathan Landow - Part 1 - [FR Poster Boyd] - Mar. 28, 1998

Connecting the Dots…Nathan Landow - Part 2 - [FR Poster Boyd] - March 28, 1998

Court to Delay Starr in Foster Notes Argument - AP - Mar. 30, 1998

Court to speed up Foster notes case - USA Today - April 6, 1998

PROBER PUSHES FOR FOSTER NOTES - The New York Post - April 7, 1998

Starr Wants Foster Notes Released - Newsday - May 20, 1998

Foster and Parks: Case closed? - Michael Reagan Hot Topics - July 20, 1998

Few Are Still Seeking the Truth in Mysterious 'Suicide' of Vince Foster - Manchester Union Leader - July 24, 1998

Few Are Still Seeking the Truth in Mysterious ‘Suicide’ of Vince Foster - Manchester Union Leader - July 24, 1998

Foster - Nairobi Bombing Link? - Carl from Oyster Bay - Aug. 24, 1998

Reed Irvine Responds To WSJ Editorial About Vince Foster - Accuracy In Media - Aug. 26, 1998

The Patrick Knowlton Story(Foster Case) - The Progressive Review - Aug. 1998

Vince Foster Redux - The Progressive Review - Aug. 31, 1998

What Really happened to Vince Foster - Amended Complaint of Patrick Knowlton - Oct. 1998

Alan Keyes on Vince Foster and the Tainted Blood Scandal (excerpt from show) - Alan Keyes Show - Oct. 7, 1998

Unhappy Holloween Treat: What Happened At Fort Marcy Park the Day V. Foster Died - Progressive Review - Oct. 27, 1998


CIA HEART ATTACKS - Foster 'bagman' for Chicago Mercantile Exchange - By Sherman H. Skolnick - Nov. 15, 1998

Anatomy of a Cover-Up: New Evidence About Foster's Death - CBN - Nov. 18, 1998

Anatomy of a Cover-Up: New Evidence About Foster's Death - CBN - Nov. 19, 1998

Michael Medved On Vince Foster - Nov. 20, 1998

Conspiracy Central - Vince Foster Killed Himself - Get Over It - National Review and [Theresa Screaming]

Vince Foster Redux- or Vince Foster Killed Himself- Get Over It - Part II - American Spectator and [Theresa Screaming]

Witness in Foster case to address Rotarians - Intelligencer Journal - Jan. 6, 1999

VINCE FOSTER FBI FILES ONLINE - Kenneth Starr Censors Scores of Pages - APB OnLine - Jan. 21, 1999

Bill Hired P.I. To Catch Hillary Cheating (Palladino, Secret Police, Lenzner, Vince Foster) - National Enquirer - Jan. 29, 1999

The Human Price Of Rabin's Truth - Incredible Newspaper Writer - (Rabin, Bush, Clinton, Foster, JFK and Mena Drug-Trafficking) - July 31, 1999

BOOK: Hillary ‘Deeply’ Loved Tragic Foster Book - New York Post - Aug. 3, 1999

Who Is Vince Foster? - Memo on the Margin - Aug. 16, 1999

Red Alert: Patrick Knowlton/John Clarke Now Discussing Vince Foster With Chuck Harder - [Picture of Patrick Knowlton Posted] - Sept. 16, 1999

Court Won’t Open Foster Autopsy Photos - UPI Wire - Oct. 26, 1999

Some Thoughts About The Cover-Up In The Death of Vincent Foster - Phil Brennan - Oct. 27, 1999

Accuracy In Media To Appeal Foster Decision - Judicial Watch - Oct. 27, 1999

The Files Don’t Lie - More Evidence That Foster Was Murdered - Michael Kellett - Oct. 27, 1999

U.S. Court of Appeals Opinion In Foster Photos Case - U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit - Oct. 29, 1999

Phone Evidence For Foster Depression May Have Been Planted - Michael Kellett - Nov. 1, 1999

Foster’s "Suicide" Note, Gun May Have Been Stolen From Residence During Murder - Michael Kellett - Nov. 3, 1999


Ties to Foster,Clinton,A.I.D.C.and Tainted Blood - Mark Kennedy - The Ottawa Citizen - Oct. 7, 1998

Bloodgate: A New Theory on the Death of Vincent Foster - Washington Weekly - Jan. 18, 1999

Bloodgate: A New Theory on the Death of Vince Foster -Washington Times - Jan. 18, 1999


New Waco Film, Vince Foster and Wesley Clark - CounterPunch - June 21, 1999

Waco, Vince Foster and the Secret War - Mack White - Aug. 26, 1999

Waco, Vince Foster and the Secret War - Mack White - Aug. 26, 1999

Drudge Radio: Waco Docs Pulled From Foster’s Office - Aug. 29, 1999

Waco Linked To Foster’s Death: Widow - Newsmax - Aug. 30, 1999

New Documentary Links First Lady and Foster To Waco - Newsmax - Nov. 4, 1999


The following quote by Webster Hubbell was given to Esquire magazine by Phillip Carroll, a senior litigator and partner of the Rose Law Firm. Webster Hubbell called Phillip Carroll by cell phone at around midnight on July 20, 1993, the night of Foster’s death and told Carroll:

"Don’t believe a word you hear. It was not suicide. It couldn’t have been." - Webster Hubbell - Former Associate Attorney General - July 20, 1993

"I keep saying no. That wasn’t Vince Foster. He was my favorite. He was so competent. He was a very strong individual. I keep coming back to foul play. There had to be foul play involved." - Phillip Carroll - Senior litigator and partner of the Rose Law Firm. Also Godfather to Foster’s children.

"The decision about the investigative role of the FBI in the Foster death was therefore compromised from the beginning." - William S. Sessions - Former FBI Director. Judge Sessions was fired by President Clinton on July 19, 1993, the day before the Foster death. It was the first time in American history an acting Director of the FBI had been fired by a U.S. President. Clinton had called Sessions personally on July 19, 1993 and told him to vacate his office immediately. At 9:00PM on July 20, 1993, nearly three hours after the Park Police had found Vince Foster’s body, Clinton went on CNN’s Larry King Live, and during the conversation with Larry King he was asked by King: "Was it hard to fire Mr. Sessions?" Clinton responded: "It was not hard." And "I love the FBI, and I hated to be the first president ever to have to fire a director."

"The reputation you develop for intellectual and ethical integrity will be your greatest asset, or your worst enemy." - Vincent Foster

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#1. To: All (#0)

The Washington Post, Vince Foster's sister and Donald Trump


Proof of the FBI and OIC cover-up was published in a 538 page book Failure of the Public Trust (2006 ed.) available to download here.

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Uncle Bill  posted on  2016-11-08   0:51:30 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#2. To: All (#1)

"Also under suspicion for espionage was the president's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who may have been providing Foster with the sensitive binders from the super-secret National Security Agency that Foster's executive assistant testified he had." James Norman, former Senior Editor, Forbes Magazine

The following is a Radio Interview between James Norman, formerly Senior Editor of Forbes Magazine and Jim Quinn, DJ of WRRK 96.9 FM in Pittsburgh. In this interview from December 7th, 1995, they discuss the the possible motive for the Vince Foster murder.


Press 1 for English, Press 2 for English, Press 3 for deportation

Uncle Bill  posted on  2016-11-08   1:31:51 ET  (1 image) Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#3. To: All (#2)


The alleged wrongdoing directed at Hillary Clinton was akin to her current email scandal: mishandling of documents related to a criminal investigation. The New York Times reports that when Clinton’s former law partner Vince Foster met an untimely death at 48 (reportedly by suicide), the first lady had Whitewater papers that he had in his law office taken to the White House, where they were locked away.

Comey found Hillary Clinton’s conduct unacceptable. Time reports:

"In 1996, after months of work, Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement. Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.”

Press 1 for English, Press 2 for English, Press 3 for deportation

Uncle Bill  posted on  2016-11-08   1:54:06 ET  (1 image) Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#4. To: All (#3)


Press 1 for English, Press 2 for English, Press 3 for deportation

Uncle Bill  posted on  2019-04-14   20:18:12 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#5. To: Uncle Bill (#4)

Your compilation here is beyond amazing (how long did this take to put together)?

All that I can do is salute and thank you for all your work.

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.” ~ H. L. Mencken

Lod  posted on  2019-04-15   8:05:12 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#6. To: all (#5)


Press 1 for English, Press 2 for English, Press 3 for deportation

Uncle Bill  posted on  2019-12-15   5:21:41 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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