That is a matter for another time. Update to this story.

Via Daily Caller:

Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden on Tuesday blew off wanting to talk about an elderly constituent in his state who was raped by an illegal immigrant that was previously deported 20 times.

Wyden refused to answer The Daily Caller’s questions about the illegal immigrant accused of raping a 65-year-old woman at her Portland home and assaulting another female in the area. Portland is a sanctuary city. (RELATED: Man Who Allegedly Raped Oregon Woman Had Previous ICE Detainer, 13 Deportations)

“We’ll have more to say about that another time. Today is about taxes,” Wyden said, before he veered off to discuss issues pertaining to the Russia investigation.[…]

Sheriff Reese pointed the finger at ICE in a statement to NBC’s local affiliate, saying that his office could not detain Martinez any longer.

He added that ICE should have lodged a criminal warrant signed by a judge as opposed to a civil detainer on Martinez and his office was only following the law “consistent with the orders of the court.”