Claims that the mass influx of nonwhites pretending to be refugees into Germany would boost the economy have been disproven yet again with a new official report admitting that 91 percent of the more than two million invaders who have entered the country since 2015 are still on welfareand that those who are working are mostly in subsistence level made-up fake government jobs. According to the latest report from the Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (Institute for Employment Research, IAB), a research institute of the governments Bundesagentur für Arbeit (special office of the Federal Employment Agency, BA), labor market integration is still a long way off . . . for most refugees.
According to the report, only nine percent of refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 and 2016 are employed.
Even more revealing is the news contained in the report that among refugees who tricked their way into Germany in 2013 or earlier, at least 66 percent are still on welfare.
Another report in the Deutsche Welle news outlet said that exactly 216,000 refugees had found work (although that news service did not admit that most were in government-sponsored apprenticeships and other fake jobs).
If that figure is accurate, this means that there are around 2,184,000 nonwhite fake refugees in Germany at this time, given that only nine percent have work,and that 1,968,00 are living on taxpayer-subsidized welfare.
This tends to tie in with the official figures from the German government, which said that in October 2017 that there were 1.6 million Hartz IV welfare recipients who were non-EU migrants, a figure that was up from 1.36 million in the previous 12-month period.
In December 2017, the agency in charge of administering Germanys refugee policy, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), admitted that it would miss its own integration targetsbecause the nonwhites were simply refusing to even take part in any integration courses.
The BAMF made places for 430,000 integration courses in 2017, but only 280,000 of the invaders bothered to attend the free coursesand of that number, the BAMF said, only 84,000 took part in career-related language support courses.