America Reconstructed Part 2: Examining 15 Violations of the Constitution Cliff Muncy
Today 151 years ago, the 39th congress solidified the foundation of federal overreach and influence we experience today. Together with the war which preceded Reconstruction, we count fifteen violations of the Constitution which laid the foundation for the birth of a new America -- a national form with states, governments and body politics completely foreign to the union of unique peoples which founded her. A form in which rights would be defined no longer at the state level, but where a nationally protected class and a national all encroaching standard of morality would seek to suppress the independence and sovereignty of the states where it deems necessary. A new singular state, created for a singular people, under national rule. A nation of one created by treason against our Constitution. A nation formed not by the consent of the governed but by disenfranchising those governed, narrowing the gate of political participation to those who would declare a new loyalty. A new nation formed by those who would promote, and continue to give aid and comfort under the new terms of participation declared by that original, unlawful conquest.
Our article here, written last year on the 150th anniversary of the first of the four Reconstruction Acts, tells the story of this rebirth in dependence on March 2, 1867. Today we take this story further by revealing the violations against our Constitution perpetrated not only by the congressional Reconstruction Acts, but also by the federal war of aggression which preceded the Acts, also known as the Civil War.
When we add them together, we find that presidential actions, the Civil War and the Reconstruction Acts which followed, resulted in fifteen violations against our dear Constitution. These violations are as follows:
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