C2C... Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches, and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. Speaking of brain tumors such as the type that John McCain died from, they're actually caused by the deficiency of just one mineral-- gallium, he stated. By supplementing with the 90 essential nutrients some 900 different diseases can be prevented or reversed, Wallach declared. While floaters in the eyes are harmless, he noted their appearance can be toned down by taking antioxidants. Revealing a treatment for toe fungus, he suggested mixing colloidal silver with water and spraying or applying with a brush in the affected areas. For acid reflux conditions, he advised avoiding foods with gluten, putting five drops of peppermint oil in an 8 oz. cup of hot water to sip during meals, and salting your food heavily to increase hydrochloric acid in the stomach. He announced that his product line will soon include a variety of CBD (hemp) oils, one of which has anti-inflammatory properties.