Robert Francis O'Rourke is the "Mexican in the Kennedy woodpile". In addition, he is not eligible to even apply for a License To Carry (concealed) in Texas due to his DUI. And that fucker wants to be a Senator?? Really??? WTF....
We need a "None of the above" option on all ballots.
I just do not vote for the candidate or the office if I do not think they are doing the right job. If there is no opponent I do not blindly vote for just any candidate for that office. ;)
#7. To: Lod, BTP Holdings, *Constitution Party* (#5)
We need a "None of the above" option on all ballots.
If "None of the above" wins, then a second election with different candidates. If no winner by the time that the new senate session starts, leave the seat vacant. The State doesn't deserve a Senator. FAIL!