Mainstream media outlets and political organizations have been predicting doom and gloom, what seems to be end of the world type of scenarios when they bring up the topic of global warming and climate change. This type of perception is something humanity has been experiencing for decades, just take a look at this press release from 1989, which explained how United Nations officials predicted that entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth if the global warming trend was not reversed by the year 2000, its just one of many examples.
Furthermore, anybody who seems to question the official narrative of this issue thats constantly pushed by mainstream media is made out to be a fool, and ridicule shortly ensues. Climate scientists have been ridiculed for even sharing their research and opinions suggesting that a doom and gloom scenario is not real, and that the issue of climate change is quite complex, and that mans CO2 output is not playing the role that most have been made to believe it plays.
Science itself has become sort of a slight irrelevance
.Stories have been promoted over the last 25-30 years and they have completely re-directed the science. But more to the point theyve also followed Eisenhowers warning, that fundamentally as the state monopolizes the support of science it calls the shots. And so you have the scientists on the one hand, you know, on both sides, presenting I would say not particularly alarming scenarios, but then you have the body politic presenting something that does not by in large have the support of science about, you know, the end of the planet. But resting assured, the science wont complain
I dont think any field survives this degree of corruption without loosing if nothing else its self respect. In terms of climate science
its set back the field probably a few generations. I mean, it forced it into a channel that was not describing most of past climate change. So instead of trying to figure out how the Earth behaved, the field was co-opted into a situation where it was supposed to support a paradigm that the government wanted, or that the environmental movement wanted. Hard to disentangle the two, also, because the environmental movement itself has become highly political. Dr. Richard Lindzen, an atmospheric physicist who has published more than 200 scientific papers and books. He was the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he is actually the lead author of Chapter 7, Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks, of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes Third Assessment Report on climate change. (source)
Based on my research, there are many academics, researchers and environmental activists who are not buying the official narrative thats been dished out by politicians for a very long time now. We are told that the majority of climate scientists agree, but that doesnt seem to be the case as, again, there are many who are emphasizing that C02 is not really a dominant factor, and that there are a myriad of other considerations when it comes to the climate of Earth one must consider. Why are they doing this? Clearly, the science is not settled.
We Need To Clean Up Our Planet, Big Time
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