Rand Paul just tore into John Bolton, Joe Biden, and his money-grubbing family in this tense exchange
The Senate impeachment trial is nearing its anti-climactic conclusion, with everyone knowing the result.
But that isnt stopping things from getting downright nasty as conservatives fight back against this massive waste of taxpayer dollars.
And Rand Paul just tore into John Bolton, Joe Biden, and his entire money-grubbing Biden family in this tense exchange.
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is known as a fighter. Much like his father, former Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul(R-TX), Senator Paul isnt afraid of a fight.
Especially when it comes to waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption in the federal government.
Each year, Paul puts out his Waste Report highlighting some of the more outrageous spending, fraud, and abuse by the government with the full blessing of a Congress gone mad.
You can be sure this years Waste Report will include the impeachment fiasco forced upon us by a Democrat Party desperate to occupy the White House again by any means necessary.
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