Title: Japanese for Slav チーキ・ブリーキ・イブダムケ! Source:
EweToob URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6bIMM8xnlQ Published:Jul 12, 2016 Author:Boris Post Date:2020-06-30 17:13:08 by Esso Keywords:None Views:629 Comments:3
Poster Comment:
I'm retiring my ushanka. I talked to a scared, old lady today who crochets. I asked her to make me a bright pink, pussy hat. I told her that I wanted to be seen coming from a mile away.
She looked it up on Al Gore's internets while we were talking. She said it might be difficult, but she could talk to some of her crocheting buddies. I told her no hurry, I just wanted to be "in fashion" if I ever go out again.
I wanted to tell her to put some lips and a clit on it, but that was kinda creepy given her age (80+).
My buddies will get a kick out of that fucking with me, but they do that anyway. Not one will stand opposed though.
I think you'll look great in it. I may have to have one myself !
The pussy hat or ushanka? You can get the pink pussy hats on ebay starting at $8.99.
I inherited an American camo ushanka-type hat from my late step-dad, made by Browning. My newly given Russian (honest to by-God rooskie) is great.
I'm an old fart, but pink pussy is for me.
The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. - Dr. Eldon Tyrell
Godfrey Smith: Mike, I wouldn't worry. Prosperity is just around the corner. Mike Flaherty: Yeah, it's been there a long time. I wish I knew which corner. My Man Godfrey (1936)
I'll bet Japan and Russia aren't having much problems with BLM/ANTIFA.
I'm psychic. Or something.
The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. - Dr. Eldon Tyrell
Godfrey Smith: Mike, I wouldn't worry. Prosperity is just around the corner. Mike Flaherty: Yeah, it's been there a long time. I wish I knew which corner. My Man Godfrey (1936)