10 People Stranger Than The Fictional Characters They Inspired Stories have to be bound by logic. Life does not. Authors usually draw upon interesting personalities for inspiration. For these ten people, the writers did not do them justice. As fantastical as many of the characters in the literary canon are, they cannot compare to the absurdity of the following ten people behind notable creations.....
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Poster Comment:
Hank Ketcham followed in the blundering steps of A.A. Milne in exploiting his young son for all the world to see through kid culture. Article also includes wild notes on Robert Ripley (the original inspiration for Elmer Fudd?!?) and Johnny Appleseed.
You who love the jewish people® will be pleased to know that writer Yungman has included a stab at Nazis in this lineup. Listverse's doughty authors have a positive talent for this -- stabbing Nazis in the course of writing up ANY subject. It's like the old George Burns joke about pheasant under glass.
I don't know what popular Listverse's original goal was, but the Chosen have made a beeline for it and have exploited it to the max as a vehicle for busting Nazis. If they don't do this, you see, Germany will go Nazi again and exterminate them all with shower heads, crematory ovens and even masturbation machines.
https://soc.culture.german.narkive.com/CzixuClW/life-threatening-nazi- masturbating-machines-at-auschwitz
It's weird and coocoo, but has the benefit of keeping up public awareness that Germans are evil anti-human beings from some dark planet who are only fit for scouring off the face of the earth. This is indeed an important public service.