Title: “Our Worst Mission” WW2 Bomber Gunner | Memoirs Of WWII #24 Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs82YgHYwNM Published:Jun 5, 2020 Author:Memoirs of WWII Post Date:2020-09-07 19:37:49 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:293 Comments:3
B-17 gunner Leon Waldman recounts several of his fifty bombing missions over German-patrolled skies, including one so dangerous that his survival left him with the feeling of being reborn.
#1. To: BTP Holdings, Lod, noone222, randge, All (#0)
Five years later, 1950, we were given B-29s with all guns except tail mount removed. No protection at all. Our task? If sent we would carry an A-bomb into Russia. It was suicide. That is war.