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Title: Renowned Professor Predicts End of White Race as Third World Migrant Invasion Continues Unchecked
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Published: Sep 13, 2020
Author: Lasha Darkmoon
Post Date: 2020-09-13 15:03:35 by Horse
Keywords: None
Views: 256
Comments: 9

I cannot emphasize too strongly the importance of the 22-minute video at the end of this article. Let these preliminary thoughts of mine serve as a brief introduction.

PROF. RICHARD LYNN, dissident psychologist, condemned as a “racist” for saying that different races have different IQs and that some races are smarter than others.

There were howls of rage from the politically correct battalions when Professor Richard Lynn (born in 1930), made the following comments in an interview he gave in 2011 at the age of 81:

“I am deeply pessimistic about the future of the European peoples because mass immigration of third world peoples will lead to these becoming majorities in the United States and western Europe during the present century. I think this will mean the destruction of European civilization in these countries.”

In 1995, Lynn was viciously attacked by the establishment for saying what can no longer be said without causing outrage:

“What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the “phasing out” of such peoples. Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent. To think otherwise is mere sentimentality.”

That shocking comment is either true or false, but the interesting thing is that it can no longer be said even if true.

According to Dr Lynn, it is now too late to cure this terminal disease in America and Europe. Whites in these countries are doomed to a minority status. The only people who will retain their high intelligence and ethnicity, he maintains, are the Oriental nations, particularly the Chinese and Japanese, partly because of their high numbers. They constitute one-fifth of world population and are not going to let themselves be swamped by black Africans.

For understandable reasons, Dr Lynn omits to make any mention of Jews, another group who intend to hang on to their high intelligence and ethnicity by keeping to themselves.

According to Dr Lynn, white women are far more to blame for this tragic situation of White genocide than white men. He does not say so directly but this is implicit in all he has to say about the different attitudes of white men and women to the darker races among us. White women are seen as “race traitors” by an increasing number of white men, given the willingness of many white women to have sex with blacks and give birth to mixed-race children.

White men, on the other hand, are seldom “race traitors” in the same sense. This is because white men are not attracted to black women. Black females generally leave white men cold, unless they are exceptionally attractive or have some white blood in them. Result: very few white men marry black women and help to produce half-breed children.

As far as race mixing goes, however, white men often marry Asian women, particularly Chinese and Japanese females whom they find attractively feminine. The resulting Eurasian children are often very appealing, sometimes more so than if they were pure white, and they have the added advantage of extra intelligence. So White men who interbreed with intelligent and attractive Asian women are not really contributing to “White genocide” as such, given that the mixed-race children produced are seen as an improvement of the general stock. From a eugenic viewpoint, there is much to be said for selective and judicious mongrelization. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. If the mixed-race child turns out well, an all-round improvement on the parents, how can that possibly be a cause for regret and recrimination?

In contrast to white men who are indifferent to black women, black men are inordinately attracted to white women—often more so than they are to their own black females. Meanwhile, quite a few white women—albeit a minority—find black men sexually attractive and are turned on by their masculinity, their brute strength, and even by the pungent smells they exude, i.e. by sex pheromones. The result: interracial black-on-white sex and half-breed children with darker skins and often lower intelligence, leading to an exceptionally high rate of criminality among Afro-Americans and Afro-Europeans. One has only to take a look at the demography of prison populations to realize that excessive race-mixing is inadvisable.


— § —

A FEW STATISTICAL FACTS would now help to provide perspective and give context. Here is a summary of the various human groups and their average IQs:

HIGHEST : East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese) – average IQ 105

AVERAGE : Europeans – average IQ 100.

MEDIOCRE (less than average) : American Indians, Mestizos, American Blacks, Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Indians, South East Asians – average IQ 85.

LOW : African (full blood) Negroes – average IQ 70.

LOWER : Australian Aborigines – average IQ 62

LOWEST : Bushmen and Pygmies – average IQ 54.

With the single exception of Ashkanazi Jews, the “yellow races” enjoy the highest IQs in the world, with the Hong Kong Chinese scoring most (107), South Koreans (106), North Koreans (105), Japanese (105). In comparison, the average Caucasian has an IQ of 100 or less.

ASHKENAZI JEWS: Unlike the “average” Jew in Israel whose IQ is given as 94, the Ashkenazi Jew is said to have an average IQ of 110-117. This is 10 points above the Hong Kong Chinese (107), 20 points above the Canadians (97), 30 points above the Mexicans (87), and 50 points above the Nigerians (67).

It would appear that the “mediocre” IQ in India of 81, though applicable en masse to the population of the subcontinent as a whole, is not applicable to the closely inbred brahminical classes of Bengal and Tamil Nadu (and other such areas) which have been practicing their own highly idiosyncratic form of eugenics for centuries These high-caste Indians are reported to have the world’s highest IQs in the 115-120 range.

A valued correspondent offers this comment:

Besides the Ashkenazi Jews with their high average IQ, another interesting group is Indian Brahmins, who have an ancient culture of learning and are strictly endogamic, which would tend to breed for intellect. There is an interesting article touching on this subject on Steve Sailer’s blog. Here the average IQ of North Indian Brahmins is estimated at 115 and that of South Indian Brahmins at 120. If that is true, they would surpass even the Ashkenazis.


This world map displays the different IQ levels in different countries. Note that it will probably soon become a criminal offence to suggest, as this chart does, that some races are more intelligent than others. All races, our politically correct mentors insist, are equally intelligent. You are under obligation to believe this. If you don’t, you’re a “racist”.

— § —

SOFT WHITE GENOCIDE—as opposed to “hard genocide” which consists of the physical destruction of a race by violent means—consists in breeding the White race out of existence slowly and non-violently by promoting multiculturalism and mass immigration from the Third World into our White homelands.

Inevitably, over the course of time, this would lead to the mongrelization of Whites through interbreeding with the darker races of Africa, Asia and the Islamic people of the Middle East. An added bonus for the enemies of the White race, whoever they are, would be a marked decline in the general IQ of the neo-European mongrel race: a race of dark-skinned Untermenschen such as cheerfully envisaged by the founder of the pan-European Union, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi:

Der Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein. Die heutigen Rassen und Kasten werden der zunehmen-den Überwindung von Raum, Zeit und Vorurteil zum Opfer fallen. Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse, äußerlich der altägyptischen ähnlich, wird die Vielfalt der Völker durch eine Vielfalt der Persönlichkeiten ersetzen.

The man of the far future will be mixed race. Today’s races and castes will fall victim to the increasing overcoming of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid future race, outwardly similar to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

To prepare the world for this “huge transformation“, meaning White genocide euphemistically presented as “multiculturalism”, it was first necessary for international Jewry, with their vast financial resources, to gain almost complete control over the mass media. Few will now doubt that the Jews have already achieved this, given that they admit it themselves, especially in the case of Hollywood.

As a consequence of Jewish media control, we are now subjected to constant streams of anti-White propaganda, both overt and subliminal, designed to make Whites feel bad about themselves as well non-Whites to regard Whites with increasing contempt and hostility. Whites are not only made to feel guilty about the Holocaust and the crimes of colonialism but to regard themselves as an essentially flawed race, as morally repugnant and fit only for history’s garbage dump—in short, to see themselves as white trash.

The soft genocide of Whites is now being carried out before our very eyes, on a daily basis, as the hordes of the Third World keep pouring into our White homelands in a never-ending tide. Our end days are fast approaching, unless we can act quickly to turn the tide back and regain our lost lands. VIDEO : 22.38 mins

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SPQR70AD September 13, 2020 at 1:16 pm

saying that the traitor white women drool over boot lipped ropehead stinking negroids cause of their strength and masculinity is false cause anytime me and my friends beat on blacks or I did it alone I was savagely attacked by white girls for being a violent bigot. major proof of this is in Sweden a bunch of white guys got together and formed the sons of odin a group to patrol parks at nite to prevent the rape of Swedish girls by afreakans. the head feminists came out and said if you can believe it….I rather be raped then saved by those racists. 100’s of girls would listen to her so again they shunned the white guys acting like men beating on rapists. so the sons of odin said for those women to wear something to identify them so they would walk by them if they were being raped when the suicidal whites in power “liberated” blacks and women was the beginning of the end. blacks up till the early 60"s had good families went to church worked and caused no trouble living separate from whites. women were very happy to stay home and raise their kids. all hell broke loose when they were unleashed onto society

Saki September 13, 2020 at 2:02 pm

Whew, this is one of the most incendiary subjects I know and how well it is handled here! — dispassionately, coolly, and objectively with an array of impressive facts, figures and charts to back up its arguments.

Here are Lasha Darkmoon’s thoughts on the subject They are beautifully expressed and undeniably true:

According to Dr Lynn, white women are far more to blame for this tragic situation of White genocide than white men. He does not say so directly but this is implicit in all he has to say about the different attitudes of white men and women to the darker races among us. White women are seen as “race traitors” by an increasing number of white men, given the willingness of many white women to have sex with blacks and give birth to mixed-race children.

White men, on the other hand, are seldom “race traitors” in the same sense. This is because white men are not attracted to black women. Black females generally leave white men cold, unless they are exceptionally attractive or have some white blood in them. Result: very few white men marry black women and help to produce half-breed children.

LD is pointing out the obvious: it is white WOMEN, not white men, who are more likely to be “race traitors”. And Dr Lynn makes the same point in the video. LD makes it absolutely clear, however, that only a small minority of white women are jumping into bed with blacks. Not even 1 per cent, I’d say.

So 99% of white women are NOT race traitors! 🙂

Saki September 13, 2020 at 2:13 pm

Speaking from my own experience, I have not met a single white woman who has a black boyfriend or husband. I see a few white women in the streets sometimes, going with black men, but this is only in the big multicultural cities. In the remote rural community in which I live most of the time I have never seen a white woman with a black man. Not once. The blacks here keep to themselves and are on the whole quite well-behaved. They don’t want trouble and they don’t go looking for it.

SPQR70AD September 13, 2020 at 3:16 pm

you people have to get out more. when ever I am down south home of the confederates EVERY black guy is with a white girl. walking in a car etc. same thing in Dallas Kanas etc. the more “conservative” a state was the more I saw. it was worse then the northeast where it first came onto the scene . I was in about 15 small towns in Penn. and saw 80% of white girls toting a kinky headed mulatto

Saki September 13, 2020 at 3:34 pm


“You people have to get out more. when ever I am down south home of the confederates EVERY black guy is with a white girl. walking in a car etc. same thing in Dallas Kanas etc. the more “conservative” a state was the more I saw. it was worse then the northeast where it first came onto the scene . I was in about 15 small towns in Penn. and saw 80% of white girls toting a kinky headed mulatto.”

I stand corrected. I believe what you say and I am deeply shocked. I had no idea things were so bad in America. Please understand that my comments refer to a different country, England, where the situation is far less threatening. There are some parts of rural England where the race situation is similar to what America was like in the 1950s.

Thank you for putting me wise to the American situation. As I say, I had no idea. It’s good to have you on this site.

I wonder if things are equally threatening in Canada, Australia and New Zealand? And what about mainland Europe and the Scandinavian countries? Perhaps someone else with personal knowledge of these other countries will report on the situation vis-a-vis white women and black lovers in these other lands.

Flan O’Brien September 13, 2020 at 2:14 pm

So White men who interbreed with intelligent and attractive Asian women are not really contributing to “White genocide” as such, given that the mixed-race children produced are seen as an improvement of the general stock.

Of course, genetic mixing of independent strong genomes is a biological imperative leading to improvement, but mixing the donkey with the horse produces the lowly mule. The Tribe are mule breeding.

I do not believe, to use a cultural term as opposed the dumb word “White”, that Anglo-Saxon women would ordinarily precocious, 2. mate without a societal contract (“marriage”), 3. be attracted to large penis musky savages. Only several decades of Tribe brainwashing can cause this.

To counter the Tribe, the obvious tactic for Anglo-Saxon men is to breed “up” with Asian women, or a very very carefully selected Anglo-Saxon woman with proper breeding (Hens Teeth?). They should probably move to Asia if they can contribute there – Asia is where the action is now. The EU and US are finished. Japan are in need of a genetic boost, where soy-boys and asexuals abound. Bob in DC September 13, 2020 at 2:53 pm

Note that the Crime Syndicate Cult is in flight forward mode. DESERT FOX September 13, 2020 at 3:15 pm

Unlimited immigration is all part of the zionist plan to destroy America and Europe and finish what the zionist perpetual wars have not and covid19 is another scam and psyop aimed at the white race and the destruction of America and Europe.

With the zionist control of their central bank the FED and IRS and the central banks of the world the zionists are destroying the nations of the world and the white race, the key to ending this destruction is to abolish the central banks, which are a spear aimed at the heart of the white race. SPQR70AD September 13, 2020 at 3:21 pm

what is never discussed is what is in womens DNA since the caveman days where if a woman lived to 45 she might have been captured by a raiding tribe maybe 3 times. so in order to survive she would take up with the invaders. I say that is what is happening with so many POS white women in Europe etc going with the invaders. it is the DNA survival gene kicking in. the native white girls going with native blacks is the result of Bolshevik Jew brainwashing from kindergarten where teachers pair up little blond girls with black boys Harold Smith September 13, 2020 at 3:52 pm

Taking this essay at face value, it should be clear to anyone paying attention to world affairs why China has become the evil empire’s latest enemy du jour.

In order to gain complete control over the U.S. and Western European governments, the jewish collective basically had to trash their societies (satanists rise to the top not by their own merits but by bringing everyone else down). The problem with this strategy – if the goal is complete world domination and control – is that it has to be applied EVERYWHERE ON EARTH AT APPROXIMATELY THE SAME TIME or it will ultimately fail.

Unfortunately for the satanists, while the corrupt “West” crumbles as it must, an intelligent, industrious and independent China rises. Thus the China-must-be destroyed-hysteria has now reached a fever pitch and we see loyal servant Trump furiously bitch-slapping China on an almost daily basis accordingly.

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#1. To: Horse (#0)

"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)‡

"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." -- Thomas Jefferson

ghostdogtxn  posted on  2020-09-13   22:53:02 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#2. To: ghostdogtxn (#1)

I'm sure every nonwhite group is on the rise in white countries -- as whites slowly go extinct. Are you ready for a USA, Canada, Chile, France and Australia peopled entirely by tribes from all over the nonwhite world? Nothing is going to stop it -- absolutely nothing. I don'think you'll be hearing Shakespeare acted in Igbo or Zapotec.

And, no, they're not assimilating if the Mexican restaurants I eat in are any indication. The invaders network together and hire each other, as white employers give in to the pressure of wog wages and put black and white laborers out of work wholesale. The invaders don't even bother to learn English. Why should they? They have their own print and broadcast media and are given every possible advantage from govt, academe and all other institutions.

Do you know what chaos the invaders have made of schools in NC? They've been wreaking havoc for decades already and turning the state blue commie Dummacrat. Since DC has its hooks into edjewcation the answer is for whites to hire school translators.

Get this -- there are at least 29 Virginia towns and cities in which 30 languages are spoken. speaks- volumes/#:~:text=Spanish%20and%20English%20are%20spoken,is%20spoken% 20across%2092%20localities.

Act white? Tell that to some friends of mine who live next door to some in a lovely modern development. These are your middle-class invaders with one of the nicest houses on the street -- and they'll party noisily in their yard to any hour of the night. Since it's diversity, the police refuse to help.

Act white? illegal-immigrants-widespread-across-us-sanctuaries-shouldnt


USA! USA! USA! Bringing you democracy, or else! there were strains of VD that were incurable, and they were first found in the Philippines and then transmitted to the Korean working girls via US military. The 'incurables' we were told were first taken back to a military hospital in the Philippines to quietly die. – 4um

NeoconsNailed  posted on  2020-09-13   23:36:52 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#3. To: NeoconsNailed (#2)

White people still exist for now physically, but White people have already been genocided psychologically. Years of government schooling and television and other jew-controlled media have made most White people unable or too afraid to even think like White people, much less act or -- God forbid -- talk like White people.

If a White person believes what his father believed -- and isn't ashamed or afraid to express those beliefs -- he will be unemployed and shunned by church, society, and -- for many -- even family.

StraitGate  posted on  2020-09-14   0:38:54 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#4. To: StraitGate, NeoconsNailed (#3)

I had a vision when I was a child. I stick by it. A majority of the people will die in the next few years. I would not worry about survival of whites.

The Truth of 911 Shall Set You Free From The Lie

Horse  posted on  2020-09-14   7:38:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#5. To: StraitGate (#3)

That's right -- it's officially, semi-officially and unofficially wrong to be white and fine with it once you walk thru any corporate door. That of course includes most churches and schools. And increasingly it's true of millions of lily-caucasian homes as well.

How could such a bizarre, hateful, coocoo and unnatural situation come about? It couldn't be simpler -- the kikes have bought themselves the media, politicians and seminaries. Whatever Sheeples hear from all directions at once (e.g. every channel on the electronic toilet, sometimes in unison) they assume to be true.

It's really that simple, and a short hop from the above to actively destroying white minds, souls, self-respect, cohesion, culture, and propagation.


USA! USA! USA! Bringing you democracy, or else! there were strains of VD that were incurable, and they were first found in the Philippines and then transmitted to the Korean working girls via US military. The 'incurables' we were told were first taken back to a military hospital in the Philippines to quietly die. – 4um

NeoconsNailed  posted on  2020-09-14   13:40:34 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#6. To: Horse (#4)

I would not worry about survival of whites.

Because you don't care, or you don'think it's going to happen? It is happening by their own choice (with a little help from their fave jew gurus).

Did your vision specify 2020 AD?


USA! USA! USA! Bringing you democracy, or else! there were strains of VD that were incurable, and they were first found in the Philippines and then transmitted to the Korean working girls via US military. The 'incurables' we were told were first taken back to a military hospital in the Philippines to quietly die. – 4um

NeoconsNailed  posted on  2020-09-14   13:42:45 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#7. To: NeoconsNailed (#6)

I had a vision when I was 8. It is the reason why I decided to never marry and have children. That and the Jewish elite's penchant for revenge. I won't say the total death rate but it is above 50% worldwide. This has happened several times before. This population clearing at the End of an Age always leads to a Golden Age. American Indians have many prophecies of these End of Age transitions.

The Truth of 911 Shall Set You Free From The Lie

Horse  posted on  2020-09-14   14:54:08 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#8. To: NeoconsNailed (#5)

a short hop from the above to actively destroying white minds, souls, self-respect, cohesion, culture, and propagation.

...and eating our livers.

StraitGate  posted on  2020-09-14   17:27:44 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#9. To: StraitGate (#8)


Have you ever seen the movie Portnoy's Complaint starring Richard Benjamin?

You likely would not approve of what he did when liver was on the menu for dinner since you are a preacher. He would never eat the liver either and it upset his mother. ;)

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one." Edmund Burke

BTP Holdings  posted on  2020-09-14   17:58:44 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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