Title: When The Holidays Went Electric - 1910 Mini Edison Carbon Bulb Source:
EweToob URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilmqscNSEaE Published:Dec 18, 2020 Author:Fran Blanche Post Date:2020-12-18 11:52:38 by Esso Keywords:None Views:1389 Comments:21
Poster Comment:
Fran is an interesting character. She's actually 83 years old. That kind of explains her love of old timey electronics.
Give'em the razors, and then sell'em the blades - genius.
It's been 17 days since I've been face-to-face with another human.
Now I'm falling in love with an 83 year old electronics geek chicky- poo on the interwebs. I know I've got something she wants.
It's an old tube-type Wollensak reel-to-reel tape recorder that was my Dad's. It was working in 1976 when Dad passed. It's in the attic of my shop somewhere. Probably a lot of other ancient electronic junk too.
One of the things up there is a double-edge razor blade sharpener. It's a clever little, hand-crank device that strops the blade and flips it over with every crank to get the other side.
I don't know the "official status" of the lockdown here, seems almost everybody has declared their own personal/private lockdowns. Everybody but the big box stores. Going without a face diaper anywhere here is likely to get you killed or arrested. I'm too old for jail.