Title: World's "SECRET" Religion Source:
Bitchute URL Source:https://www.bitchute.com/video/RD7mu0sAShzZ/ Published:May 9, 2021 Author:Satan Post Date:2021-05-09 09:13:16 by noone222 Keywords:None Views:427 Comments:4
Poster Comment:
I'll let those wishing to have eyes that actually see and ears hoping to hear the truth as to how we are manipulated by "a monolithic" and evil system that enjoys control over everything on earth.
A lot of talentless photographers do the same things. Hidden eyes, hidden hands, it has been going on since forever. Artists have been doing this nonsense since the first cave paintings.
While I do believe that Masons are running this world into hell, all these celebrities can't be masons. It would mean that every drug addled sex addicted pos in show business would be part of the cabal.
One thing they did touch on was the right to have the top of the head opened up for their brains to bake in the sun. Happened to JFK.
While I do believe that Masons are running this world into hell, all these celebrities can't be masons. It would mean that every drug addled sex addicted pos in show business would be part of the cabal.
Mindless but useful idiots. As is mentioned in the vid, most of these members (so-called) don't know the end result or agenda. They are simply used or managed to be some sort of prop in the larger picture.
I actually found this video to be the most informative warning of the impending conclusion which is upon us.