WARNING: SPOILERS I took the kid to see V for Vendetta tonight, then got home to read about the White House Correspondents Dinner, where Stephen Colbert lit into the Smirking Moron, the idiot generals, and the acquiescent press corps, all the while doing his Bill O'Reilly impression. From the pix I have seen, Little Lord Pissypants was not amused.
So back to V for Vendetta. In the White House dinner, a Bush imitator walked out and did dueling bushes. In V, a comedian on a Fox-like network under a fascist state has dueling "chancellors" (the nazi big cheese) on a show, both of whom order a firing squad to shoot the other one. They both yell fire at the same time, and the confused soldiers comply.
I doubt Colbert is going to pay the price the guy in the movie did. Which is, a few nights later, government thugs kick down his door, kick his teeth in, and drag him off for torture and execution.
If you've seen V for Vendetta, you know it ain't exactly high art, but it sure gets across what is going on in this world today. It has the MIHOP approach (fascists let loose a deadly virus to scare the hell out of the populace about terrorism, execute a few Muslim chumps, then sell the antidote to a terrified country and take power) and it's pretty over the top. But it is remarkable how it reflects what is going on at this very moment.
I recommend the movie (particularly the IMAX version, which is what I saw) and I just wish I had cable so I could watch what Colbert did to that punk tonight.
Here's a link to a hilarious picture of Smirk watching Colbert. The thought balloon would be, "let's see how funny you are in a cell in Gitmo, laughing boy...."