Title: Valkyrie: The Plot To Kill Hitler Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms3ZJde7bfo Published:May 7, 2021 Author:YouTube Movies Post Date:2021-07-05 19:06:28 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:77
Created as a companion documentary to the film Valkyrie, this History Channel documentary details the true story behind the plot to assassinate Adolph Hitler.
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I worked with a guy on Illinois Highways that was a Sudeten German. When Germany annexed the Sudtenland he volunteered for the Waffen SS. His father protested to his Commander in boot camp that he was being treated too harshly. He was arrested as a dissenter and sent to the camps in Germany. The last I heard he still had not found a trace of him. Many people disappeared in those camps.
He was captured by the Russians and riding on a prison wagon with a female guard. She fell asleep and dropped her rifle. He jumped off the wagon, retrieved the rifle and awakened her. She gave him a big kiss and told him, "If I had lost my rifle they would have killed me." He was one of the few to be repatriated. Many died in the gulag as late as 1952.