Title: NOT GOOD. Kim Jong Un Responds to Biden’s "Big Blunder" Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvQqapRfvBk Published:May 4, 2021 Author:Next News Network. Post Date:2021-07-10 16:20:50 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:4815 Comments:45
Cristina Laila from The Gateway Pundit reports, North Korea on Sunday said that Joe Biden made a big blunder after he insulted Pyongyangs nuclear program during his joint address to Congress and threatened corresponding actions.
Poster Comment:
Trump has already ended the Korean War. When Kim stepped across the DMZ and embraced the peacenik Moon, that action brought North Korea into the fold. North Korea was one of three not to have a Rothschild Central Bank. The remaining two are Iran and Cuba.
Bidet undid that. I've got news for you, we don't stand a chance against the Norks. The maternity flight suits won't be ready for three years, the rainbow BDUs are a disaster, the colors are all blending into one another, the missile silos are offline until the gay club retrofits are done and the castration surgeries for the remaining men are taking a lot longer than anticipated, not to mention the horrible color schemes on all our hardware are going to cause a huge pastel paint shortage.
LOL, it took me a couple, three months fighting with the goob to get enough proof together to prove who I am for the new Hoosierhickistan driver's license last April. No food stamp, welfare, disability papers available. My B/C didn't have my gender on it, my SS card disappeared somewhere between Cairo and Petrograd and I'm white.
LOL, I suppose you've got a point in there somewhere. Shoot, Horse posted a video with Ryan Dawson in it the other day. He used to be a skinny kid, now he's just an old fat man. I guess he's still in Asia (Japan), I thought he was in Hong Kong. Getting your brain mashed up is a strange thing.