Title: 141 - Carrier vs. Carrier - The Battle of Coral Sea - WW2 - May 9, 1942 Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6WVEe_F6lw Published:Jul 8, 2021 Author:World War Two Post Date:2021-07-11 11:46:29 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:423 Comments:5
This week sees a major clash between the naval forces of the Japanese and the Allies. Both sides take big damage, though on the tactical level it is a victory for the Japanese. Operationally, however, they must postpone their attacks towards Port Moresby. They are busy making plans all the while, though, for their upcoming attack against Midway Atoll in the Central Pacific. They also finally have success ending an offensive this week with the conquest of the Philippines when Corregidor falls. Japan's ally Germany begins an offensive of their own this week on the Kerch Peninsula. The Allies, for their part, launch an offensive of their own this week against Vichy French-held Madagascar, and they take the main port, Diego Suarez.
Th ultimate objective of all of this venture by Japan was Australia.
Looks like China is picking up where the Japs left off, and the Aussies know it.
Bidet better pick up the pace on his maternity flight suits and rainbow BDUs so our girls and wanna be girls can get down there and TWERK them- there Chinks right back over the Great Wall.
Looks like China is picking up where the Japs left off
Current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has aligned himself more toward China than the U.S. It seems he does not want to antagonize the Chinese dragon. ;)