Title: Meet ‘Checkmate’, Sukhoi’s Sleek New Fifth-Gen Fighter Jet for Half the Cost of an F-35 Source:
[None] URL Source:https://sputniknews.com/military/20 ... -for-half-the-cost-of-an-f-35/ Published:Jul 21, 2021 Author:staff Post Date:2021-07-21 10:16:31 by Horse Keywords:None Views:782 Comments:10
On Tuesday, Russias Sukhoi aircraft design bureau unveiled a sleek new fighter jet intended to rival Lockheed Martins F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Based on technology from its Su-57 fighter, Sukhoi has dubbed the new fighter Checkmate.
A prototype of the Checkmate fighter was the opening act for the MAKS-2021 air show at Zhukovsky Airport southeast of Moscow, which runs from July 20-25 and of which Sputnik is the official media partner. Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the exhibit on its opening day.
The Checkmate is intended for export, and the promotional video released a day before the expo included interested figures from the United Arab Emirates, India, Vietnam, and Argentina.
The Hindus are helping design the SU-57 as they will build it in their country. The Hindus also make the Russian vaccine which seems to be the safest in the world though I would not take it.
They will export this to Vietnam and to Argentina. Vietnam is worried about China. Argentina? Maybe another go at the Brits over the Falklands?