Title: (IRREFUTABLE PRROF) Real Eyes Realize Real Lies - 2018 Documentary Source:
YT URL Source:https://youtu.be/WogsSOrr0l8 Published:Jul 7, 2018 Author:Hibbler Productions Post Date:2021-09-29 12:42:27 by Liberator Keywords:TRUTH, PLANE, FLAT, REALITY Views:623 Comments:8
THIS IS IRREFUTABLE TRUTH. Calling all Critical Thinkers who are tired of a Lifetime of PTB Programming!
If you still insist that our realm is a "Spinning Globe" after watching just 25 minutes of this presentation, then I'm afraid nothing anyone can do or say will ever snap you out of the biggest delusion and programming the PTB have embedded into your brain.
You guys ought to be insulted and PO'd that the PTB think you're too stupid and programmed to EVER learn the Truth THAT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.
Come on, man -- NASA and 0bama have *already* admitted that they / we "can't fly beyond low earth orbit"...
So exactly what does that mean? (Other than LYING to us for the past 60 years??)
IF WE CANNOT FLY BEYOND LOW EARTH ORBIT, then HOW the h*** did NASA *ever* fly to The Moon? THEN land. THEN return?? Can YOU explain it??
Logically, why then would ANYONE accepting ANYTHING NASA has ever claimed as true?? Are we really to believe AND accept that the alleged "technology" developed a half-century ago is BEYOND TODAY'S TECH??
The only reason people could actually STILL believe NASA's fairy tale and the whole "Space Frontier" is...BRAINWASHING. Mind-Control. Programming. Whether via the Cult of "Science" and the constant never-ending programming via "schooling", and of course, TV / Movie Program-ing.
Unshackle your psychological chains of enslavement and bondage.
WATCH THIS VIDEO. You owe it to yourself. If you think NASA, the Gummint and the PTB *already* lied you Bigly and believe you are dumb sheeple, then wait till you watch this.