Title: The American people are living this: David Webb Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3eLHD_UHnU Published:Dec 11, 2021 Author:Fox News Post Date:2021-12-11 23:01:28 by Esso Keywords:None Views:1027 Comments:30
Poster Comment:
The news cycle is playing out, I'm getting tired and hungry. I think Cap'n Brandon might pack it in for awhile.
"The beer was empty and our tongues were tired, and running out of things to say..."
"I made her a widow the day we got married." Cap'n Ramius
I lied to y'all. I'm still up. I gave my guest a treat, I unlocked and opened the drive gate for her. I got busy at ZH on the KR/EA Games thread pressuring the Tylers to shitcan some total asshole. I'm not normally a Karen, but this little 12 y/o punk was really offensive.
I don't get that country music crap. Where's the angst, where's the nihilism? It's like they are trying to make a point or something. That doesn't sit well with the elites.
That's where I live. And I've got carte blanche, babe.
The Sitwell was a horrible tractor. But I can let you have a barely used Hoyt-Clagwell for ten percent down and very low weekly payments keyed to Bermudan barley exchange rate.