Title: The American people are living this: David Webb Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3eLHD_UHnU Published:Dec 11, 2021 Author:Fox News Post Date:2021-12-11 23:01:28 by Esso Keywords:None Views:1032 Comments:30
Poster Comment:
The news cycle is playing out, I'm getting tired and hungry. I think Cap'n Brandon might pack it in for awhile.
"The beer was empty and our tongues were tired, and running out of things to say..."
"I made her a widow the day we got married." Cap'n Ramius
I lied to y'all. I'm still up. I gave my guest a treat, I unlocked and opened the drive gate for her. I got busy at ZH on the KR/EA Games thread pressuring the Tylers to shitcan some total asshole. I'm not normally a Karen, but this little 12 y/o punk was really offensive.
Never spent much time in Asia proper. Tokyo, Seoul, too many people.
(Edit) I'd be much more comfortable if I could lay down during our therapy sessions. Make it happen, Dr. Dak.
That was not unlike the flight from FW to Madison for my buddy's wedding. It was in the 80s before flying freaked out. We did have some flight crew a little miffed though. My carry on was nothing but alcohol.
The Sex Pistols only did one US tour prior to breaking up, their record company and management limited that tour to the south, thinking it would stir up controversy and make southerners look like illiterate inbred retards, but the only place there was trouble was the last show, that bastion of open minded progressive tolerance, San Francisco.