StraitWoman and I have been without medical insurance (gov calls it Health Insurance) for several years now since Obongo drove the cost up from $600/mo to $1440/mo (it's probably much higher than now) -- and that with higher deductibles and co-pays.
I'm sick as a dog at the moment -- probably suffering the dreaded AlphaBetaGammaDeltaPhiEpisilonOmegaFactor variant -- but I'd have to be a LOT sicker than this before I'd consult a doctor. Can't trust 'em any more.
Kids are sending me pics of the little ones playing the snow. But alas I'm too sick too join 'em.
I'm sitting by the fire here drinking strong coffee -- slightly enhanced -- and dreaming of a beautiful little nurse who cared for me after some serious surgery several years ago. Every few hours she would come in say, "Strait, I've got a shot here for you, or a pill. I recommend you take both."
It's already Marchin' Lootin' Coon Day in Shanghai.
Ugh. Awesome, the garbage men just finally picked up my trash yesterday, just a bit shy of three and a half weeks late. It was such a good idea to get a Texas waste disposal company to contract for NE Indiana.