StraitWoman and I have been without medical insurance (gov calls it Health Insurance) for several years now since Obongo drove the cost up from $600/mo to $1440/mo (it's probably much higher than now) -- and that with higher deductibles and co-pays.
I'm sick as a dog at the moment -- probably suffering the dreaded AlphaBetaGammaDeltaPhiEpisilonOmegaFactor variant -- but I'd have to be a LOT sicker than this before I'd consult a doctor. Can't trust 'em any more.
Kids are sending me pics of the little ones playing the snow. But alas I'm too sick too join 'em.
Hate to hear you're unwell! So was a very old and dear lady we know this past week, but she's had an amazing rebound. When will you and Prov. 31 be hitting 65? The gravy's mighty nice, let me tell you -- speshly knowing I've barely ever put anything into the evil system ;)
We all need to start finding out who the 'concierge' docs are in our areas. Some or all require monthly payment, but it's got to be way lower than insurance. The medical group SS (or my HMO) has assigned me to wants my SSN, a copy of my 'drivers license' etc, grrr.
I'd be surprised if even the most maverick doctors aren't constrained by federal law (ObongoCare) to report every detail of every visit you make to 'em.
According to the Nuremburg Codes (1947) doctors are not permitted to give experimental or unproven medical procedures without the consent of the patient.
So this treatment they want the venous surgeon to give me is experimental and unproven. It is just a way for the doctors to make more money.
I allowed that doctor at Freeman Wound Care to give me venous ablations since he claimed the wounds were caused by "leaky valves" in the veins of my legs. The wounds healed and returned a few months later. The ablations did not kill the MRSA bacteria and it was a reinfection.
Now I have blood clots in veins of legs. Where do you think those came from? They need a place to attach and that is the punctures from them inserting catheters into my veins. Now I will likely be on blood thinners forever. We do not want a piece of the clot to go to the lungs and cause an embolism.
We worked a concert at the Park West in Chicago. Mary Chapin Carpenter was friendly and visited with the crew after the show. She had a lung embolism and was out of action for two years. :-/
Maybe you can taper off the blood thinner after a while.
Much depends on what my primary physician thinks. I have eight more refills on the blood thinner.
And I certainly am not going to agree to allow that venous surgeon to stick catheters in the arteries of my legs. It is all experimental in nature and is not allowed under the Nuremburg rulings which the U.S. adopted in 1947.
Vitamin K will scour my arteries and keep cholesterol from building up in them again. Vitamin K can be gotten at