(Edit) Sling Blade's been telling me that the swabs used to administer the test are a delivery system for some kind of bio weapon for almost a year now. I don't doubt it.
StraitWoman and I have been without medical insurance (gov calls it Health Insurance) for several years now since Obongo drove the cost up from $600/mo to $1440/mo (it's probably much higher than now) -- and that with higher deductibles and co-pays.
I'm sick as a dog at the moment -- probably suffering the dreaded AlphaBetaGammaDeltaPhiEpisilonOmegaFactor variant -- but I'd have to be a LOT sicker than this before I'd consult a doctor. Can't trust 'em any more.
Kids are sending me pics of the little ones playing the snow. But alas I'm too sick too join 'em.