There seems to be very little recourse in getting this country back to its constitutional footing. It seems as if the traitors in the Democratic Party are emboldened instead of living in fear for their lives with the sheer audacity they seem to have with regards to their treason.
It is going to be wonderful watching the hangings that come as the result when the revolution finally takes hold because once people start starving and people like AOC find themselves more and more detached from reality, there will be gallows and guillotines on every corner.
Every democrat is a traitor. Every last fucking one of them.
"Call Me Ishmael" -Ishmael, A character from the book "Moby Dick" 1851. "Call Me Fishmeal" -Osama Bin Laden, A character created by the CIA, and the world's Hide And Seek Champion 2001-2011. -Tommythemadartist