Villa Park State Rep. Deb Conroy (Democrat) wants to "isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments."
HB 4640 is scheduled to be heard in the Illinois House Human Services Committee February 2 at 9:00 AM.
If HB 4640 were to become law, persons exposed to an infectious disease could be placed under Public Health Department observation, only possible in a contained atmosphere with Department watch guards, some suggest such as a concentration camp.
The bill says:
To prevent the spread of a dangerously contagious or infectious disease, the [Public Health] Department may, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this Section, isolate or quarantine persons whose refusal to undergo observation and monitoring results in uncertainty regarding whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a dangerously contagious or infectious disease or otherwise poses a danger to the public's health.
HB 4640 would also set up a state network data collection system for persons that have received mandated vaccines, medications, or otherwise.
Conroy's measure is to be heard this week.
Over 6,000 witness slips opposing the bill have been filed as of Tuesday afternoon...
Poster Comment:
I posted this state issue because Democrats are doubling down on STUPID! This will be a bad year for donkeys in the House, Senate, state and local elections.