: Policy 'is the key to the intense surveillance needed to control our lives' Note: Dr. Orient is executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, AAPS.
From the streets in Ottawa, we learned how essential the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is for those who hold the real power. Governments may back down on masking and distancing, but they will hold onto the vaccine mandate tenaciously. It is the key to the intense surveillance needed to control the lives of everyone, on the pretext of protecting us all from a dread disease. Get the shot, or lose your job and eventually your ability to buy or sell. Comply, or else freeze to death or starve.
The Canadian truckers convoy was at first about forcing truckers to get COVID shots to be allowed to cross the American-Canadian border and return. Truckers spend most of their time alone in the cab of their rig, and probably wouldn't be able to drive it if sick. Can viruses not waft across the border without the help of unvaccinated truck drivers? How is the country safer if their bodies are forced to make vaccine-induced spike protein, yet they can still transmit disease? Now that questions are being raised, protests are erupting about all the COVID restrictions.
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