Title: 'The Five' react to Jen Psaki 'blowing up' over this question Source:
Fox News URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yfLEjQSJW0 Published:Mar 7, 2022 Author:Fox News Post Date:2022-03-07 19:43:59 by Esso Keywords:None Views:393 Comments:14
Poster Comment:
There's no shortage of stupid bullshit goin' around today...
Keystone XL would probably finished and online today if the Japanese toilet didn't shut it down on his first day as usurper-in-chief. You can't re-gear up projects like that in the blink of an eye.
There isn't much good news these days and the future news looks shitty too. My perspective on the dollar losing its power position due to oil purchases now needed from "IRAN" and "VENEZUELA" (not to forget RUSSIA that is dumping dollars).
So when the dollar is done will we still be so focused on going to war with Russia (and China). I hate to think about going to war "BROKE" !
This fucking Biden is committing treason to avoid being charged with treason.
I'd like to see the truckers just run through the White House and the Capitol Bldg.
I've got some for you. The gal I've been conducting a long distance love affair with in S. Carolina every Friday Afternoon at Gardner One World Technologies, Inc. for almost a year, finally paid off. The drive motor controller finally came in from China. It was only $325. If it gets that 800 lb brick mobile, I'll be happy. I can worry about the $1,000 (plus truck shipping and tax), 400 lb battery pack later if something else isn't burnt out.
What is this 800 lb brick that uses a 400 lb battery? I have to know. Thanks.
48 Volt Ryobi 38 in, Riding Lawn Mower Item #RY48110 (RM480e on the side). Look at the Home Depot website. It was the only tractor small enough to get through my front gate. It's a long, boring story.
Sumbitch died on the first use last year. It would've been the third year of use. I think the motor controller is shorted, because when I got the 125A AMI type fuse and installed it, I let the rest of the smoke out of the drive motor controller as soon as I turned the key on, no load. I don't think the drive motor is bad it didn't act funny or slow down, it just stopped, almost throwing me over the steering wheel. It barely rolls, leading me to believe the output of the motor controller is shorted and the motor is trying to act like a generator. I had to drag the sumbitch 40 feet to my garage with my truck and a log chain.
That's when I met the gal down in your neck of the woods. She was as helpful as she could be. It says on the repair sheets she sent me as a PDF that she's near Anderson, SC. The batteries are 12V SLAs 100A/hrs each. Last I looked they were about $250ea + shipping. I'm almost afraid to look now.
Interesting looking machine. Does it use a single motor for both the drive train and the blades? Or separate motors for those two functions?
BTW, I did some consulting work for Ryobi in Anderson a few years ago. Designed a motor control board to use for testing a new motor design for a battery powered drill. Then they tried to get out of paying me. Ignored my invoices, emails, calls, everything. Long story short, they paid me. If they ever want me to work for them again, it'll be payment in advance. And I'll quote the job high.