I had this years ago and it worked like magic. Would grab almost any video for me -- any from YT, amazingly fast and reliably. But it only allowed 100 free ones and then it wanted me to get the paid version. May still be the case, but what a joy it's back! Buying it back then (feels like 6-8ya) proved difficult, because its Russian sourcing got complicated. IIRC it was soon not available at all -- now it is, from the well-known Softonic portal in Spain. Use the green button on the linked page, which is
ummy.en.softonic.com/download? utm_source=SEM&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=EN_US_DSA&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3IqS BhCoARIsAMBkTb3jYfVJI_gBonjjFVYN3dDn7CjRCsDo0gGtOHHfgQRVK8TBcwcI6rkaAkBq EALw_wcB
It will first offer you a Winzip utility -- I refused it (reviews are bad) and the Ummy thing promptly appeared. Tested it -- works fine. Not as fast as before but so what. I clicked 'no' for ''make Ummy your default video player' but have yet to check whether what it grabs can be played as easily via WMP etc.
I use it on several things -- 'controversial' vids likely to disappear from the increasingly censored net; humor and musical items that capriciously come and go (and permanently disappear) online; movies I already have commercial VHS or DVD of. Etc. Most hatefully, the great classic original Spitting Image satires seem to have been purged from YT.
I'm funny, I like having stuff under my own control -- have NEVER stored anything in the cloud. The 1st person I knew to do so found it wasn't permanently accessible. Course he wasn't much of a puter person (albeit a great national treasure). NN
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