Ex-CIA officer Buck Sexton and former DC homicide detective Ted Williams join 'Hannity', after claims police waited to confront gunman. #foxnews #hannity
I read somewhere yesterday that the "unlocked door" was actually "propped open". Today I heard that the Children's Health Defense League (RFK Jr.'s organization) reported that the door was propped open by a teacher. If true, I'd like to know who the teacher was and why that teacher propped the door open. I haven't watched a lot of the videos, but does anyone know if, out of all the doors, the shooter just coincidentally gravitated toward that one?
"...as long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speechhttp://www.biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm / http://bible.cc/psalms/83-4.htm