Authored by Mike Shedlock via,
To put things politely, Elizabeth Warren is an economic moron...
Elizabeth Warren @ewarren
Big oil companies are making out like bandits. Our plan would crack down on their price gouging, tax their windfall profits, and send four rebate checks a year to American consumers:
Elizabeth Warren @ewarren
On my first day as president, I will sign an executive order that puts a total moratorium on all new fossil fuel leases for drilling offshore and on public lands. And I will ban frackingeverywhere.
Elizabeth Warren @ewarren
As a country, we shouldnt crush people with debt for trying to build a better future. Technical schools, community colleges, and public universities should be tuition-free. And to start righting this wrong, President Biden must #CancelStudentDebt.
Elizabeth Warren @ewarren
Lets take this vision nationwide with my plan for universal child care and pre-k.
"Lets take this vision nationwide with my plan for universal child care and pre-k."
Yeah, that'll sure fix inflation.
To put things politely, Elizabeth Warren is an economic moron.