Title: The Jews REVOLUTIONIZED American Culture Source:
Daily Wire URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noqR2HBsuys Published:Jun 2, 2022 Author:Andrew Klavan Post Date:2022-06-02 20:44:01 by Esso Keywords:None Views:314 Comments:4
Poster Comment:
Hoo boy. How to lose Esso's respect with one headline. Klavan is smarter than that, The Daily Wire should be too.
Klavan had the chance to redeem himself as this screed droned on. He didn't. Too bad. He got so close to the truth about how the joos are destroying America, and backed off from it.
As God is my witness, I don't know why Jeremy Boreing allowed Klavan run this screed. I'll tolerate joos as long as it's not used as a weapon to impose their Great Reset, ala Klaus Schwab. Ben Shapiro of the DW is tolerable, he makes the right noises most of the time, but I'm done with the DW. $144/yr for a mid-grade membership is wrong, I got mine for half price the day after Thanksgiving last year, $72, but is $72 too much.
I might as well be subscribing to Paul Pelosi's pedophile child cell phone page. I haven't been this mad since Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) came out with her hare-brained screed against Russia.
I'm starting to wonder if I'm the one losing it. I don't want to have sex with children, I don't want to have sex with men, either way, I don't think I'm a woman trapped in a man's body and want my penis cut off. I don't want to die from a NottaVax because I was forced to or because I'm afraid of getting a flu bug.
Maybe I should just come to the realization that I'm a dinosaur and extinct.
Are they maybe on the defensive? More and more folks are waking up to them.
I dunno. I know the Daily Wire is launching a major assault on wokism, and it's making a difference.
Maybe I'll have to settle for the bullshit that "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" for now.
Jeremy Boreing at his finest:
Jeremys Razors: The Greatest Commercial Ever
The flamethrower he uses is by Elon Musk, BTW. I have a flamethrower, but mine isn't that portable and I've never tried putting liquid propane through it yet.
The DW and Matt Walsh's documentary "What is a Woman?" was really good. No wonder the lefties tried to shut it down last night.