Heavens to Betsy! The far right conspiracy theorist prophets are vindicated again.
No longer conspiracy theory, youth blood-sucking is official fact because the gatekeeping corporate media now acknowledges it.
Via The Telegraph:
As macabre as it sounds, science is beginning to discover that youth transplants really can slow down the ageing process.
The fountain of youth, it seems, is youth itself.
Youth transplants is a euphemism for sucking out the vital fluids of baby/child donors and injecting them into aging recipients:
Although nobody is suggesting we siphon the bodily fluids of youngsters into our elderly
infusing cerebrospinal fluid of young mice into old mice improves brain function, a breakthrough.
So, nobody is suggesting medically extracting cerebrospinal fluid from babies/children and injecting it into old (presumably well-paying) clients
except thats precisely what theyre studying the feasibility of doing.