A most persuasive list arguments for pipe lines follows
1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines, and weighs 27,240,000 LBS 1 Train carries 3,000,000 gallons of oil.
1 train uses 55.5 gallons of diesel per mile. It takes 119,000 gallons of diesel to go 2150 miles from Hardidsy, AB to Freeport, TX.
Keystone pipeline was to deliver 34,860,000 gallons of oil per day.
It would take 12 trains and 1,428,000 gallons of diesel to deliver that amount. PER DAY! 521,220,000 gallons of diesel per year.
The oil will still go to market with or without the pipeline.
By stopping the pipeline billions of gallons of diesel will be wasted and polluted needlessly.
Does that make you feel good?